At our November Coffee Morning, we were treated to a very thought-provoking talk from Tracy Long-Sutehall. Tracy has been very concerned by the shortage of available corneas for transplant surgery. She realised a major opportunity is being missed in hospice care due to the lack of consultation with family members.
The talk was recorded and we intend to add the video to this post as soon as it is available.
Unlike other hospital environments, patients in hospices are usually unsuitable candidates for organ donation. However, with corneas, it is a different story. In many cases, the cornea could be used to benefit someone facing the prospect of losing their sight.
Tracy has undertaken a research project to see how this situation could be rectified.
If you want to know more, you can follow the links below:
Summary of the Research
Details of the Research Project
Tracy’s Biography
Other Links:
Cornea donation myths dispelled
A personal testament from one of our members, the late Andrew MacLean
One of our members is an Ambassador for NHS Blood and Transplant and has made this video for them about his recent cornea transplant.