Edited: I know i SHOULD post here!!!

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Edited: I know i SHOULD post here!!!

Postby Sweet » Thu 26 May 2005 12:08 am

Ok i made it back from Wales, but i didnt bring good news with me. Im still in the same position, still cant see and still so dam frustrated it isnt funny anymore. Here i should and normally do put something to make a joke of this, but i cant. I think i have given up. :cry:

While i would have liked and wanted to come here and say thanks to everyone who helped me get back to Wales safely, especially the elderly gent who put me on the bus after noticing my welsh accent and how lost i was, it still doesnt change anything.

The swelling i had at first all cleared up and i was told to go back to Wales and get a new lens as it needed refitting. Though to be truthful here, it wasnt just Wales who could help, but having had lenses at the same place for five years and not being known in London i thought it made sense.

Only to go home, and get told that i now have another problem being two small ulcers on the good eye and so am still blind. Have steroid drops and antibiotic drops and been told to go back next week, bearing in mind that it has been two weeks already, and i was blind three weeks before that with a different problem. Weeks just roll into one, im losing time here but not getting any real answers as to what is wrong and how long it is going to take to heal. I think i would cope so much better if someone was honest with me and just told me the truth.

And then to make matters even worse, the scleral lenses i have waited a year for are ready and i was sent an appt only to miss it as i only had five days notice and it took four days to get redirected to me in London where i am now living with my sister as i cant see. I could have made it barely but was told not to as i cant have any lens fittings at the minute. So when is my next appt for this fitting?? End of september :( so to say i am well depressed is an understatement. This is Sxxs Law i know, as one optometrist told me, but whatever it is ii just dont want to play anymore.

I dont want this condition anymore, i never asked for it, i hate being in constant pain, i hate not being able to see and im so dam tired of well meaning optometrists and friends telling me how amazed they are i made it home and back when i cant see anything. Yes thank you all very much i smile at you and think it will all be ok soon, but DAMMIT THIS IS NOT HELPING ME TO SEE. While i am so happy with you and make a joke of it, im really hurtiing here. I dont want to be a nice patient who sees the good side and smiles, if it means i get no truthful answers!!! It takes time is NOT an answer, surely you must have some idea, are we talking weeks or months here?? Please give me some ending to this, even if it is months, i can plan and work around it.

I guess i should come out and put a little smile here just to say im trying :) , but its wearing thin.

In sorry but im just tired of everything right now, and im sorry if it seems as if i am shouting at yiu, as im really not. I know that this site gives support, but i dont feel i have any to give. if i did i would. I just feel totally lost, and isolated from a world that can see.

I am also in a political mess i cant go into here as i have been warned, (not from people here) but im tired of all of this rubbish. What differemce does it make what i put here?? We all know how bad waiting lists are, we hear it every day on the news. We are nearly all patients and have been there, but i wont say anything else as my eyesight and care is my first priority here. I know some understand what im saying, but if you dont do not worry about it. Im not making much sense.

Well i guess i came and didnt post what i wanted to say, which really was thanks to everyone here and to those i met along the way, And i guess it wasnt what you wanted to hear. And im sorry for that. I wanted to come and post something funny with a happy ending, but i guess i dont have one to share, and i cant lie as to where i am, nothing has changed. Im really struggling to read here so while i want to i wont be replying to any posts, im sorry but im in too much pain. :(

And saying that with everything i've just said i may not be welcome back here anymore anyway. You may decide i am better off left out in the cold, the little depressing welsh toad that i am!!

He he, well i bounced away with a little smile, if only for a minute. :)

Oh before i forget ... the only good thing i have said in this post, i passed my DVLA visual test and have my licence back!! Just the only problem now is i cant see where the hell i left the car ... and im more than sure that right now im far from safe to drive it! OH BROTHER!!!!!!!!!! :roll: LOL

Gone into hiding
Sweet X x X
Last edited by Sweet on Thu 26 May 2005 11:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby jayuk » Thu 26 May 2005 11:59 am


good to see you back.........

excellent news on the License being given back!

With regards to all you said.....think of i tlike this......theres others in a worse of position......that doesnt make it ok.....but it does add some realisim to it......i know ehere you are coming from....and understand that pain invlved........and looks like you got some healing to do from the ulcers!
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Postby shoayb » Thu 26 May 2005 12:16 pm

nice to have ya back... sorry to hear bout all the messing about you goin through!
though you insist you have given up... i can see quite clearly that bubbly self whos ready to take on anything is fighting from within to come out and deal with this KC business!
The ulcers.. are an extra challenge!
you just keep on fighting..
hope you're feeling better soon!

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Postby John Smith » Thu 26 May 2005 12:18 pm

Hi Claire, welcome back (to London and the forums!) Of course you're very welcome here!

Really sorry that you're still having sight problems, and I know how frustrating the whole process can be.

You can ask Moorfields for a cancellation - but I'd advise waiting until your ulcers have cleared as I understand that the cancellation can be at short notice!

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Postby naeemkhamkar » Thu 26 May 2005 2:03 pm

hi sweet

i know how hard it is. Everyone here knows about my rejections & this is exactly how i felt afterwards. Im still feel sick & tired of ppl/family saying this & saying that. I always get so fustrayted with them, but remind myself that why they are saying these things & who for.

Please dont give up & i know you will not be doin that, it can be heard in your coments. The willpower & the mental strength are both strong. Push forward & lets succeed against this not succumb to it.

Im fighting o with my 4th graft now & suffering so much from the medication. To enjoy the gift of sight, to enjoy the happiness of life with my wife, children, family & friends.

When i have ilcers on my graft they put a clear bandage on over the eye helps so much. I get several ulcers @ the same time,ask about this would make a wqorld of difference.
Ive had 4 graft rejections in right eye. I'm intolerable to lens in my left eye. Been 2yrs Ive learnt to live life with single ocular vision and I enjoy everyday as I have KC in my left eye. I live to enjoy everyday as it comes with my wife and children.

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Postby Susan Mason » Thu 26 May 2005 6:54 pm

Hello Sweet

Of course you should post, you need people around you at times like these.

Keep in touch


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Postby Sweet » Thu 26 May 2005 10:25 pm

Ok enough bad things, today i feel a lot better :)

Thank you to all of you for your posts and emails, its really touching and means a lot. Hehe, you all wrote in bigger writing as well which was so sweet, i guess only we can understand each other!! LOL!!!!! Im sorry for shouting and i hope i didnt offend anyone. Im told i havent been banned (YET!! LOL!!) so that is ok!! LMAO!!!

I guess as a few people here now know anyway, i should post why i was in such a bad mood, and it wasnt really down to KC. (Though that was what got me into trouble in the first place! LOL!!) On the way home last night i didnt pay enough attention as i was talking on the mobile phone as you do which is stupid i know when i should be listening out for traffic! And i got knocked down by a car. BUT time out!!!!!!!! This really wasnt bad! A very slow car turning a corner, concussion, three stitches as i knocked my head on the kerb and i self discharged as i didnt want to be observed overnight. Well its bed blocking when i have people to look after me at home and i was fine. Just really shaken but it stopped me woryying about my eyesight for a minute lol!!!!!!!! I guess i didnt come here and say as i felt so stupid! How can i live that down, going to a and e after being run over when that is where i work!!!!!!!! Dam i should take my own advice lol!!!!

BUT i learnt sooooo many things and road safety from a distant childhood did flash before my eyes as i was lying on the ground!!!!!!!!!! But im sure we learnt more about being attacked by manic sheep than a large lump of metal!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!! But hey , there you go, we cant win them all!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway ... everything is ok now and it knocked some sense into me lol! Although after shouting here i guess i didnt need to be reminded about how many people are worse off then me, i know that. I see them in work everyday, or at least i do when i can see!!!!!!! But it did give me something to think about, although im not sorry for taking some time out and complaining. We all need to vent, and now im back to coping and trying to heal! LOL!!

Talk to you all soon! And please watch out for the local traffic!! I dont want to read about someone else being hurt as well.

Love ya! Claire X x X

I'm not opinionated ... i've just mastered the art of self expression and freedom of speech!!!!!!!! (Sweet)

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Postby Susan Mason » Fri 27 May 2005 1:41 pm

Glad to see you back Claire.

best wishes


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Postby Philip N » Sun 05 Jun 2005 10:07 pm

Hi Sweet,

I felt compelled to write after reading a couple of you’re posts. Sorry to hear of the hassles you are gong through.

I think like most here from time to time it just can all get too much. Sometimes it seems that you get one problem after another and can just feel like things will never clear and you may never gain vision with lenses again. (But things will stabilize.) Recurrent ulcers are the pits also, I’ve been there where just after one bout cleared I got hit again.

Looking back, I had a period where I was having issue after issue, I was off work for weeks (maybe a couple of months). What I found helped greatly as a preventative measure was really paying careful attention to the hygiene pf my eye lids. Every night I go though a ritual of hot compresses and using cotton buds and a mix of warm, boiled water and baking soda. I had something called blepharitis which I feel is under control and things have been much better for it.

I found the following useful URL..
http://www.goodhope.org.uk/departments/ ... lulcer.htm

Anyhow, I hope things are better now..



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Postby Lesley Foster » Mon 06 Jun 2005 12:14 pm

Hi Claire,

Just wanted to say hello, hope you are feeling better and to send you a virtual hug as you sound as tho you could do with one.

Take care,

Live long and Prosper.

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