Specs pscript for R eye for Charlotte AND hybrids offered

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Specs pscript for R eye for Charlotte AND hybrids offered

Postby Charlottes mum » Tue 14 May 2013 2:38 pm

So Charlotte had her appt with the optom this morning, I feel that it went well and I for one feel a bit happier with how it went. Charlotte was very patient and tried really hard to read the letters on the chart, she was ok for top line but struggled with the next line down. This was with no contacts in. I explained to Brian (optom) that Charlotte had said "no more rgps - ever" and then I promptly burst into tears! :oops: Build up of tension from past few months prob but hey ho, all was ok, Char was fine with me and I didn't upset her, I had told her earlier that I might get upset today because I've been very worried about her eyes but that I was happy that she was seeing the optom today. So she was cool with it. Phew! Anyway, I told Brian that I was very frightened to put anything in any of Charlotte's eyes after the hydrops episode and that Chris (Dad) and I are still weighing up the graft suggestion as we are extremely concerned re surgery, anesthetic, healing et al for Char. He went and brought the clinic support lady in and we are in the process of setting up a home visit with them to address our worries. I think its time to get her "on board" to be fair. Brian suggested that he prescribe specs for Char's RE with plain LE lens. Transitions to help with light sensitivity. I was pleased because I was actually going to ask that anyway. He explained that it might not be as good as it could be given her optical irregularities and her input during the exam, but he agreed that it is only fair to Charlotte to try. He has said that at next appointment he would like to try hybrids for her as a compromise as opposed to softs so we'll see. It would be RE only tho, he agreed with the consultant in that putting a contact in her LE would be of no benefit given the scarring. He said to me, "I will do anything I can to help Charlotte" :) I also explained that as Char is at day centre 9 to 4 each day and staff there cannot take on the management of contacts, specs would hopefully be good to bring her vision up while she's out and about/away from me because I am the only one able to "do the contacts" for her (Dad works away mon to fri). The script is: right eye - Sph `0.75, Cyl `3.00, Axis 120
so we'll give specs a go and see how she manages with them, hopefully they will help not hinder especially when she's moving her head quick and stuff?????????
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Re: Specs pscript for R eye for Charlotte AND hybrids offere

Postby Anne Klepacz » Tue 14 May 2013 2:53 pm

So pleased for you that things went well today. And here's wishing Charlotte success with her new glasses. She's one amazing lady!

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Re: Specs pscript for R eye for Charlotte AND hybrids offere

Postby Charlottes mum » Wed 15 May 2013 6:58 am

Thanks Anne,
I feel like we are getting somewhere now :D
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Re: Specs pscript for R eye for Charlotte AND hybrids offere

Postby Loopy-Lou » Mon 20 May 2013 1:08 pm

Your drive is always uplifting to me

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Re: Specs pscript for R eye for Charlotte AND hybrids offere

Postby Charlottes mum » Tue 21 May 2013 3:58 pm

Loopy-Lou wrote:Your drive is always uplifting to me

:) why thank you, means a lot cheers.
"Promise me you'll always remember that you're braver than you believe, you are stronger than you seem and smarter than you think" .....Winnie the Pooh

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