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New here!!!

Postby EL18 » Tue 14 Sep 2010 12:58 pm

Hi All,

Just came across this site by accident after searchng for dry eye treatments!

I've had KC for 15 years and currently wear piggy backed lenses. At my last hopital appointment I was informed that this was the strongest and probably last hard lens they could fit though. I was put on a waitng list for cornea gratfs then removed because they said I was too young....yes, crazy I know!

Anyway, I am based in Newcastle...are there any forums up here?

My initial reason for searching though was in relation to dry eyes. It's becoming unbearable now to wear my lenses for more than an hour at a time which is causing major problems as I need to drive alot in my job and without my lenses I've had it! I've tried taking flax seed oil, massaging the eye lids, using comfort drops, probably all the tricks in the book but nothing works and my eyes are even starting to wake me during the night due to dryness. So if anyone has any other 'tricks' I would love to know...getting desperate now!

Many thanks


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Andrew MacLean
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Re: New here!!!

Postby Andrew MacLean » Tue 14 Sep 2010 1:33 pm


Welcome to the forum.

Dry eye is a common complication for people with Keratoconus. For some of us it is the single most difficult aspect of our condition.

I use clinitas soothe during the day (it comes in single dose containers and has no preservative). At night, before I retire, I use an eyebag (a hot bag full of linseed) for about five minutes and then I use Clinitas Hydrate. This combination makes it possible for me to get a decent night's sleep without being disturbed by the sense of having grit in my eyes.

Every good wish.

Andrew MacLean

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Re: New here!!!

Postby electricheadx » Tue 14 Sep 2010 1:53 pm

I believe another person on the forum started taking a good vitamin A supplement which reduced her dry eye considerably. Might be worth a shot.


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Re: New here!!!

Postby BurnTheAction » Wed 15 Sep 2010 11:14 am


i too have an issue with keeping my lenses in!

i use systane eye drops everymorning after putting a hot towel over my eyes for a few minutes

at night i just use a hot towel on eyes, feels great, find eye drops make my eyes feel sorer in morning for some strange reason

will look into that vit a supplement though!

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Re: New here!!!

Postby Ladyburd » Mon 27 Sep 2010 10:03 am

Hi EL18

I'm a food technologist & have KC. I hope I can give you a few hints.

On the dry eyes, try to get your vitamin A from food, rather than supplements - Vitamin A is also known as retinol. Good sources of vitamin A include cheese, eggs, oily fish (such as mackerel), milk, fortified margarine and yoghurt.

Liver is also a rich source of vitamin A. But, because it's such a rich source, if you already eat it every week, you might want to choose not to have it more often.

If you're pregnant, you should avoid eating liver because of the amount of vitamin A it contains. Also, try to eat spinach daily as it will improve your eye health

If you cannot get anywhere with a lens, ask about INTACS, I was told no lens would work for me & I would have to get a graft. But I got INTACS on teh NHS (in Glasgow) and now I can wear a lens without it falling out

Hope the above may be of interest to you



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Re: New here!!!

Postby jojo19732009 » Sat 11 Jun 2011 1:21 pm

I have been given lacralube (Spelling?) as I have trouble I put this in at night and use liquifilm tears by the box during the day. Some days are better than others but the ointment is messy but soothing at nightand I get a better start to the day by useing this. Its just a suggestion that works best for me at this time. I also Use supranet wipes to clean my eyelids morning and night these are quite soothing also. I usethem for cooling and soothing when I have flareups or just dry sore eyes it stops the feeling to rub.

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