hayfever + KC = please share your survival tips

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hayfever + KC = please share your survival tips

Postby space_cadet » Wed 12 May 2010 5:38 pm

currently eating piriton as if it is haribo sweets and using enough eye drops to sink myself and several other people, yet eyes are soo witchy (well right one - the worse one) wont open unless i make it so easier to have it shut) but eyes are itchy, gritty, red, sore, watering, and generally driving me nuts.

I am back at the hospital for a check up with teh op eye (my right one) on weds next week) the gp gave me some aditional alergy drops but only to use on my left eye as she doesnt want to ik my right eye getting worse which is understandable, but im left here feeling utterly fed up/.

sunglasses worn in and outside, funaky fashion statement but one of annoyance.#

help pelase, share you wisodm with me

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Re: hayfever + KC = please share your survival tips

Postby Lizb » Thu 13 May 2010 12:21 pm

priton does nothing for me, i currently use zirtex (well pharmacist own brand version - over the counter not off the shelf). I previously have used the over-the-counter clarityn (again own brand equivalent), after a while i find that the medicine stops working for me so i have to switch. Within my family, 3 of us use zirtex, one uses clarityn and the last couple use priton i think. just goes to show that what works for one doesnt work for another. I also flood my eyes with eye drops, though have found the actvimist eye spray is also helpful at giving my eyes some relief.
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Re: hayfever + KC = please share your survival tips

Postby Andrew MacLean » Thu 13 May 2010 5:01 pm

... the usual, sunspecs, nasal inhalers, trying to avoid being out when the pc is high. It is particularly hard at this time of year because of the enthusiasm with which many Scottish farmers have embraced the Oilseed Rape plant as an early cash crop. Still we soldier on ...
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Re: hayfever + KC = please share your survival tips

Postby space_cadet » Thu 13 May 2010 6:32 pm

I was outside fo ra total of 23 minutes earlier as timed it on my fone, well 23 mins from leaviong the house to gettingback, got to the shop to be asked if I was stoned by a person I know who was also in teh shop - gah!

stocked up on more alergy stuff, going ot ask consultant for something stronger next week so utterly fed up and hiding in bed, wanting the summer to finish and go!

or in the words of Green Day 'wake me up when September ends' x
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Re: hayfever + KC = please share your survival tips

Postby dazzabee » Thu 13 May 2010 8:56 pm

The dreaded H...

Try Zirtek that has already been mentioned as that seems to work well for me, but there is another anti-histamine available only via prescription that is stronger than those sold on the high street. Might be worth a visit to your GP to find out more. Sorry, the name escapes me but I know it definitely exists!


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Re: hayfever + KC = please share your survival tips

Postby Loopy-Lou » Thu 13 May 2010 10:23 pm

For itchy eyes before you rub them, try flooding them with hypromellose kept in the fridge as this is very cooling and I find cooling most things which are itchy helps to quell the need to scratch or rub

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Re: hayfever + KC = please share your survival tips

Postby rosemary johnson » Thu 13 May 2010 11:24 pm

Hi Lea! - sorry to hear you've having troubles like this.
As has been suggested, I'd agree it might be worth giving other types of hay fever tablets a try.
I'm vurrently on loratidine - year round, because all the things I'm allergic to set off my asthma, and it is much better now.
Another thought: when you go to get them, have a chat with the pharmacist SOme of the older types of antihistamine (for hay fever/allergies) tended to dry out the mucous memberanes, including giving you dry eyes, and made it far worse trying to wear contact lenses.
Sme of the more modern ones are non-drying - make sure you use a non-drying sort! THe pharmacist should know - or be bale to look up - which are best for contact lenses.
Good luck! - I've also tried cetirizine, and something called Telfast (thin that's the brand name, forget the active ingredient. Didn't get on with either, as the so-called non-drowsy stuff in them left me feeling like I was trying to gkeep going through extreme tiredness by livin gon black coffee! - and then couldn't seleep again, so it got worse. I seem to have this prolem with "non-drowsy" meds. Or most of them, the loratidine is better.
FOrtunately, the hay fever doesn't affect my eyes so much as my lungs - I wheeze before I get steaming eyes.
Last year the hospital gave me a Rx for something called Opatanol eye drops, supposedly to stop my eyes getting red and sore with hay fever - but in fact they made them far worse, think I must be allergic to the stuff!! Is that what you've got?? If not, well, again it might work for you.
Incidentally, when I was still on the steroids after the eye op, I did find that eye didn't get so ad in the hay fever season as the other eye. At one time I asked my consultant, and swear blind she said if my eyes were so sore with the HF then try using the steroid drops in oth eyes. Next appointment she was horrified I'd tried anything of the sort and had no recolleciton of saying it!

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Re: hayfever + KC = please share your survival tips

Postby alison falshaw » Mon 24 May 2010 9:44 am

Hi there,you may want to try asking your doctor for antihistamine called " Fexofenadine". I have 180 mg tabs to take daily all year round. The normally work well for me. I do get extreme cases of sneezing during the course of the yeasr - not just in the summer time. I havebeen known to have to take time off work in oct and nov as couldnt conduct a sentence with my colleagues nor customers. Hope this helps, any questions just ask.

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Re: hayfever + KC = please share your survival tips

Postby James Colclough » Mon 24 May 2010 8:56 pm

Piggybacking helps a bit.

Optanol first thing drop in each eye, telfast tablet.

At night drops again and a blast of nasacort.

When it gets really bad, preservative free sodium chromalgamate (very very expensive) only good for 7 days but usually kick starts.

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Re: hayfever + KC = please share your survival tips

Postby space_cadet » Tue 25 May 2010 4:13 pm

Cheers for the replies am going back to the GP tomorrow about a few other things so have printed off the rthings you guys ahve recoemended so fingers x will find soemthing that will work soon

May09 Diagnosed with KC, March 2010 after a failed transplant it has left me legally blind a long cane user (since 2010) who is blind in a once sighted world

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