Graft update post op

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Graft update post op

Postby Bobbybingo » Tue 22 Apr 2008 11:15 am

Hi Everyone Just a short update since I last wrote back in November.

I had my graft done on Thursday 17th April at Southampton general, this was on my left eye and I had a full thickness repalcement. I was in theatre for 4 hours when it apparently should of taken only 2 hours. This I'am told, although to be confirmed was problems with the stitches. I will find out more on Wednesday when I return for my first check up.

I felt a bit groggy for the first few days and I think some of the tablets are making me feel sick and leave a nasty taste in ur mouth !!! As for the eye it is not at all painful, obviously still cloudy but i can see a little but find it hard to keep it open a lot of the time and very light sensitive. Also I can only maange top wear my right contact lens a short time in conjunction with the grafted eye so not able to do much at all.

Anyway so far so good but obviously a long way to go yet.

Still would love to hear from someone locally in Hampshire who might be going through this procedure to swap stories and help with advice and problems etc.

Bob Hillcock

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby melissa » Tue 22 Apr 2008 12:46 pm

Hi Bob,
well done- the hard bit is over.
I am a long way away from hampshire- but my story anyway...
I am 11 weeks post graft and had similar experiences to you. I was under general for about 3 hours- apparently because the running stich broke as it was being tied and they had to do it all again. most of my post-op trouble was from the general anaesthetic I think- it took weeks before i felt well again.
my painkillers gave me itchy skin, so i asked to be changed to another type- which didnt work, so i changed to another type which i knew would work well.
I found audio books to be my saviour. there is only so much sleeping one can do! and they allow you to be distracted without straining your eyes at all. I especially recommend the Blackadder -made for Radio- which are hilarious!

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby Bobbybingo » Tue 22 Apr 2008 1:47 pm

Hi Melissa

Thanks for your reply, Good idea with the audio books I will look into this. How is your vision now after 12 weeks ?

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby melissa » Tue 22 Apr 2008 3:24 pm

Hi Bob,

I am exceptionally lucky and have 6/12 and even sometimes 6/9 in my grafted eye. I am also risking some money on a glasses lens (in my existing frames) which should correct me even more. So I am ecstatic BUT have been told not to expect it to neccesarily last forever. with stiches moving and being removed the shape is expected to change.
My graft was cloudy for 2 weeks, and had only cleared 100% after about 3 weeks. once that had gone it was like a miracle... my grafted eye is now stronger than my left eye WITH the lenses in... its quite amazing.

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby Bobbybingo » Tue 22 Apr 2008 5:37 pm


How long was it before you could have a lens fitted in your grafted eye?


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Re: Graft update post op

Postby Andrew MacLean » Tue 22 Apr 2008 6:03 pm


Well done, and all the best with your recovery.

I had a PK in my right eye, and now have better than 20/20 in that eye when corrected by wearing specs.

Every good wish.

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby robcm » Thu 24 Apr 2008 5:19 pm

Hi Bob,

any more news? how are things going? I am very keen to know about all your post op experiences as i am due to have a full thickness graft in a couple of weeks. Do you think it would be realistic to attend a 2 day conference 1 week post op? Or should I be planning on spending all day in a darkened room at that stage? Hope it all goes well for you.

I also like the idea about the audio books and am going to start builiding a collection now! When you use your unoperated eye does it cause any symptoms in the post op eye?


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Re: Graft update post op

Postby melissa » Fri 25 Apr 2008 10:10 am

I have just received a glasses lens for my new transplanted eye- and they just about correct to 6/6! I bought a cheap plastic lens, because they may not last very long- but R550 is worth it for me (approx 40pounds) even if it is only for 2 months!

Rob- I would not commit to a conference 1 week post-op. You may still be in some pain, and it will be hard to concentrate on visual things. I did a morning conference about 1.5 weeks after my op and really didn't enjoy it. would have much rather been resting on my bed... everyone's healing time is different though- so who knows? I think it depends onthe anaesthetic as well- my general really made me feel groggy for about 2 weeks.

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby rosemary johnson » Fri 25 Apr 2008 8:17 pm

Rob ased about going to a 2-day conference post-op:
Rob, are you having this op under general or local anaesthetic?
If general - I seriously wouldn't count on it. Things like pain and light sensitivity vary, but even if you aren't wanting to live on painkillers in a dark room, chances are you'll be feeling too dopey fro the anaesthetic to be able to take in the conference content.
Which could make the conference registration fee rather wasted!
If you're having te op under local (lucky you!) then you might be up to it.
Be aware though that a) you'll likely have a week post op hospital appointment; b) you'll have to be disciplined about not carrying heavy luggage about if this is a residential conference - or even if it means pmuch paperwork; and c) odd looks from the other attendees at you putting all those drops in with monotonous regularity.
And otherwise being willing to tae it easy not throw yourself into all the conference add-ons, etc.
As regards effects of using the ungrafted eye: yeah, I found that trying to read with that eye, and the tensions - better hadn't say "screwing up" - needed to keep focus on pages I was reading made themselves felt in the grafted eye for the first while. I wanted a huge great scleral that fitted well over and clear of the graft, to take the knock-on referred pressure of the eyelid off the grafted area.......
..... with lots oflittle holes in it to let the drops through, cos I didn't want to be taking it out an dputting it back every hour.
Now, didn't I always tell Ken I'd have him drilling air holes into RGP sclerals one day??!

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby Bobbybingo » Sat 26 Apr 2008 10:34 am

Hi Rob

It's now just over a week since op......Eye is looking less sore and is not painful in the least!!! Have to take drops every hour and another lot of drops 4 times a day as well as Tabs in the morning and tabs in the evening.
I had my first check on wednesday and they seemed very pleased, don't have another check up until 13th May which is good for me with the 100 mile round trip.
I have not returned to work yet and not sure when I will so will make a decision on next appointment, I have to decide my future as I work in a custody centre with potentially violent prisoners, I could easily get a blow to my op eye and that could be the loss of an eye.

The past week has been slow as I have not been able to go outside much with the light hurting my eye even with dark glasses on, I also have problems with my current rgp lens for my right eye and am waiting for a new one for the hospital, but I can only keep the lens in for a few hours before it gets sore and watery, probably due to extra pressure on it having to rely on it.

I think intially you should allow yourself 2 free weeks recovery after the op and then take it from there, couldn't think of anything worse than sitting in some hall/classroom etc for 8 hours a day even if you could wear sunglasses(you'd get some funny looks) so my advice is no to the conference, your health and recovery is more important.

If there's anything else you'd like to know please do not hesitate to contact me I would only be to happy to help you if I can.

Thanks for all the other comments from everyone, i promise to keep you all updated as best I can.


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