Experiences of Cross-linking
Our next London meeting will be held on Saturday 12th October at 11 am
The venue is at the Moorfields Education Hub, 1st Floor,
15 Ebenezer Street (the hub is opposite Moorfields main hospital — cross City Road and go up Provost Street to the next corner and the Hub is facing you on the left).
The topic for the meeting will be ‘Experiences of Cross–linking’. If you’ve had CXL in the last few years (at Moorfields or elsewhere) or if you’re thinking of having the procedure, do come along and share your experiences. This is an opportunity to do what the charity was set up for – to help each other and learn from each other. All welcome, both people with KC and family members. And with the use of CXL now being extended to more patients, you don’t have to be a newly diagnosed youngster for the meeting to be of interest to you. As usual, we’ll be providing a buffet lunch and plenty of opportunities to meet other people with KC.
Do let us know if you are coming by emailing anne@kcgroup.org.uk or ‘phoning her on 020-8993 4759 so we can cater for numbers. If you are unsure whether the meeting is for you, please give Anne a call.
Note to Optometrists and ECLO’s – Please download a copy of this poster and display it prominently so that your clients can benefit from this pier-to-pier support.