Kerasoft Advice

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Kerasoft Advice

Postby Lewis-W » Tue 15 Jan 2013 10:49 am

I am currently having a lot of trouble with my RGP lens in my left eye (worst affected eye).
My right is fine, and I could wear this lens for 24 hours+ without any sort of discomfort.

I recently had to go and get my left RGP re-fitted as the 1 I had was causing me serious discomfort & couldn't be worn for more than a few hours..
I received my new lens a few days ago and, although it is a better fit, it is still uncomfortable and causing redness in my eye. This is usually after 3/4 hours (approx).
I am starting to think that my tolerance of RGP's in my left eye is rapidly disappearing. I used to be able to wear both lenses for 20+ hours easily, but things have changed vastly in the last few months.

I really want to try the Kerasoft lens in my left eye to see if this combats the issue, but every time I mention it at the hospital they just sort of avoid the question and inform me that the vision in my left eye would be nowhere near as good with the Kerasoft lens.
Is this true? Because I have read a lot of threads where people state that their vision with the Kerasoft lenses is just as good, if not better, than with RGP lenses?
Or does it vary from person to person?

I know you can't possibly give me a definitive answer without knowing how badly affected the eye is, my previous lens history etc... but I would just like to hear from people who have had experience with Kerasoft lenses.

I wouldn't even be that bothered if my vision wasn't EXACTLY the same as it is with RGP's - I would rather have a lens that I can wear all day with good vision over a lens that gives me great vision but can only be worn for a few hours... surely this makes sense, but they just don't really take it on board at the hospital.

Thanks in advance to anybody who shares their advice/experiences.

- Lew

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Re: Kerasoft Advice

Postby Lewis-W » Tue 15 Jan 2013 11:06 am

I have just discovered an old thread made by GarethB regarding his Kerasoft lenses.

He posted:

Although the lenses are larger than my RGP's I get less irritation on the onjunctiva, when I move my eyes while wearing RGP's I feel it rubbing here and this results in very itchy eyes. In only a couple of days (and I have noticed this before with the soft lenses) the feeling of dry eyes is reduced and my eye lids are far less itchy. It is hard for things to get under the lenses, so when you do get dust in your eye, the sensation is no different to that when you have no lenses in. With RGP's the dust gets trapped and it is excrusiatingly painful and usualy results in the lens having to come out for a quick rinse.

This just makes the Kerasoft lenses sound EVEN MORE appealing to me. I work in quite a dusty environment so this would be perfect!

Also, I get extremely itchy eyes & dry skin around my eyes (more my left eye).
I have to apply a lot of Diprobase just to calm it down & to stop me rubbing the affected area.

Again, this sounds like yet another reason why the Kerasoft lens may really help with my left eye.

I look forward to any responses regarding these lenses.

- Lew

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Re: Kerasoft Advice

Postby Andrew MacLean » Tue 15 Jan 2013 11:46 am


I manage well enough with an rgp corneal lens, but I do know that some users find kerasoft the perfect solution to their keratoconus needs.

One word of caution: I have never been able to wear soft lenses, and even kerasoft is not ideal for everybody with KC. By all means ask for the lens, it may be for you, as it was for Gareth, exactly what you need. But, if it is not, do not give up: my all time favourite lens was the scleral I wore before my first graft. It was perfect for me!

Andrew MacLean

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Re: Kerasoft Advice

Postby Ian Miller » Tue 15 Jan 2013 7:43 pm

Hello Lew,

I cannot fully answer your question, but for the last few months I have been going through almost exactly the same situation as you describe. I never managed 20+ hours from RGP lenses, but generally got around 11 hours for 10+ years, suddenly dropping to only a couple of hours in my left eye a few months ago; the lens causing the stroma of the eye to become inflamed (I'm told!), plus sporadic issues with episcleritis and iritus in the eye.

Further to advice from the specialist who cross-linked my left eye in June 2011, and comments from my optician, I am in the process of investigating Kerasoft lenses myself with a 'KC-friendly' optician listed on this site, as I understand they may be better for me.

My first Kerasoft lenses, which I tried yesterday, were not successful - they did not sit correctly on the eye, and therefore the astigmatism correction actually made my vision worse than with glasses, as I was not looking through the correct part of the lens. The lenses have been sent back to be re-made, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that the next set are more sucessful...

I am very frustrated that the vision was not good immediately, but am keeping my fingers crossed for improvements from the re-made set(s)... whether I do achieve decent vision through Kerasofts (or other KC lenses) only time will tell I guess... I was warned that the fitting process is trial and error to some extent, but it's still very frustrating, so from my (very limited) experience, don't expect a miracle straight away!

I don't know how soon you want to make a decision, or push for Kerasofts (and obviously everyone's eyes are different, especially with KC[!]), but If you are interested in how I get on with the next set(s), please PM me, and i'll let you know as and when.

If your hospital won't supply Kerasofts, but you do want to try them, some high street opticians do fit them (as I found, from the list of KC opticians on this site) - I have been charged £150 for the initial fitting and set of lenses (to be replaced FOC on an exchange basis until they are right), and understand that the on-going cost will be about £50/month, including replacement lenses every 3 months or so. Still a lot of money, but perhaps not that much if they do give improved vision, and therefore quality of life...

Good luck with whatever you decide.

All the best,


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Re: Kerasoft Advice

Postby KeraTom » Tue 15 Jan 2013 7:59 pm


I used to use the Kerasoft 2 until very recently but maybe going back to normal toric contact lenses depending on how I get on. Obviously Kerasoft may or may not work for you but it's defiantly an option to explore if you're having trouble. I am currently under the NHS at a normal high street optician and they were more than willing to try all the soft options before even considering a RGPs. I used to get good but not excellent vision with my lens but I was more than happy to have greater comfort and wear time. The only way to know for sure is to try them, for example when I tried the Kerasoft IC it made my vision awful but it obviously works for a lot of other people. I would push to try the Kerasoft as you said an all day lens with good vision is better than excellent with limited wear time.


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Re: Kerasoft Advice

Postby jay87 » Tue 15 Jan 2013 8:01 pm

Lynn White who posts on here is an expert in these lenses. You could go private. I think they are £500 a pair, could be wrong though
Jake 8)
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Re: Kerasoft Advice

Postby liam82 » Wed 16 Jan 2013 9:46 am

Yeah, Lynn is the expert and really nice.

I saw her a few times last year, with a view to wearing keraflex, but for me it was really tough getting lens that worked due to the various problems with my eye.

They are alot more comfortable than RGP's though, and I imagine if you wear them enough to get fully used to them - you wouldn't even notice they were in (there were days when I was trying them out that I forgot one was in)

I eventually just went back to not wearing lenses or glasses at all, (mainly due to my own impatience) but am hoping to visit lynn again this year and get a lens sorted properly.

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Re: Kerasoft Advice

Postby GarethB » Wed 16 Jan 2013 9:47 pm

The Kerasoft lens has changed a lot from when I knew Andrew had tried this lens.

Noone can guarentee that a lens will work for you, the only way to find out for sure is to try it.

The post of mine you found is very old, have a look at others but I have been using Kerasoft 3 lenses and now for the past four years or more the Kerasoft IC lens. Even after all this time I am finding that I can do new things which I stopped soon after being diagnosed with KC.

I have taken up photography again and take great satisfaction in composing the picture and focusing manually because I can actually see to do so and for many wild life and stelaphotography you have to use manual focusing!

PM me if you ahve any questions regarding Kerasoft IC and my experiences.

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