is karatoconus a good thing ??

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is karatoconus a good thing ??

Postby leonel1213 » Mon 18 Jul 2011 6:01 am

research says that people with KC have sensitive to light and i heard because more light gets in but not processed .
so im wondering does that mean that people with KC can see better in the dark then other people ?

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Anne Klepacz
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Re: is karatoconus a good thing ??

Postby Anne Klepacz » Mon 18 Jul 2011 10:13 am

Unfortunately not - although a lot of people with KC are more sensitive to light, we also tend to see worse than other people in the dark. I hope someone may come along with a scientific explanation of that. Has always seemed perverse to me!

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Re: is karatoconus a good thing ??

Postby harker » Mon 18 Jul 2011 1:09 pm

I suspect KC vision gets worse in the dark because the pupil naturally dilates in low light - thus increasing the amount of the irregular cornea being 'used' to see.

I've never suffered from light sensitivity, thankfully, but I wouldn't be surprised if those who do would struggle more looking at a single bright point in an otherwise dark environment than they would, say, stepping outside on a bright day, for exactly the reason I've mentioned above.

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