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glastonbury vs hard contact lenses

Posted: Sun 20 Jun 2010 2:26 pm
by longmover
I'm off to Glastonbury nest week and tbh I'm a little concerned about my contact lenses, has anybody got any camping/contact lens care tips? I'm not going to let the ‘worry’ ruin my time there but it’s always at the back of my mind

Re: glastonbury vs hard contact lenses

Posted: Sun 20 Jun 2010 3:57 pm
by Andrew MacLean
Yes, don't wear contact lenses; handling them when hands have been in the Glastonbury mud may not be healthy.

If you feel you must wear your lenses make sure that you wash your hands well in hot soapy water, rinse them and dry them with a clean towel before handing your lenses. The little bottles of gel are not really going to do the job.

Have a great time.


Re: glastonbury vs hard contact lenses

Posted: Mon 21 Jun 2010 2:08 pm
by melissa
when camping or sailing etc... i often use little individual sterile wipes- which are intended for people with blepharitis.... 'Blephadosis' made by Thea (France). my doc says they are fine and you can even wipe the inside of your lids... i get them at my optometrist, but can't tell you where to get them in the UK...
that said- obviously take lots of bottled water to wash hands carefully as well...
don't let it restrict you- have fun!

Re: glastonbury vs hard contact lenses

Posted: Tue 22 Jun 2010 3:53 pm
by BurnTheAction
Not wearing lenses is surely not feasible, when i've gone to festivals (primarily Rock Werchter and Bestival) ive just about managed without them in when i get up, wash and eat then pop them in for the day. A festival site is a maze at the best of times, without my lenses in i would be lost forever, especially at night!!! Wet wipes, hand wash, a nice sealable medicine bag to keep your lens gumpf in, a small mirror and you're golden.

I too have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach before a festival with regards to KC, mostly about a lenses falling out in the dark and not being able to see for the rest of the weekend but so far ive been lucky and had an excellent time. I cant quite keep up with the all nighters my chums pull, and have had the odd 'my eyes are sore im going back to camp' moment but just try to forget about it, enjoy the music and have fun!

Re: glastonbury vs hard contact lenses

Posted: Wed 23 Jun 2010 4:28 pm
by optom
All i have to add is JEALOUSY. just be extremely prepared and thats all you can be . Again JEALOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!