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How do I view private messages?

Posted: Wed 01 Jun 2005 5:52 pm
by Dave Dale
sorry this is unrelated but I posted on the 'help' section a few days back with no luck!

I know when I get a PM I follow the link in that email to read it.

How do I go to them after I have deleted the email?



Posted: Wed 01 Jun 2005 8:23 pm
by Susan Mason

Try looking at:- ... .php?t=442

This may help. On the last post in the thread Madmish gives some tips.


Posted: Wed 01 Jun 2005 9:38 pm
by Dave Dale

I have changed to teh atenha or whatever setting, not as noce or as easy on the eye as the normal one but I can access PM with one click!


Posted: Thu 02 Jun 2005 10:15 am
by Susan Mason
Glad I could help, Dave .

Just shows how much time I have on my hands at the moment and how sad I am remembering previous posts!!!

Madmish should take the credit for this though really.

Take Care,


Posted: Thu 02 Jun 2005 12:26 pm
by John Smith
I've got some work to do on the forum this weekend (as digests have stopped working) - and I'll try and get a PM link added to the easy-to-read style sheet.

I must admit that I never realised how popular the PMs would be when I turned the facility on! :oops:

Posted: Thu 02 Jun 2005 2:35 pm
by shoayb
for the ignorant ones like myself.. what is a digest?!?!?! didn;t know websites have a way of breaking down intake!
anyways.. john... you see my post on the Annoucement of last weeks work?! just wanna make sure it;s not missed!


Posted: Fri 03 Jun 2005 7:47 pm
by John Smith
Hi Shoayb,

For the uninitiated, a forum "digest" is an email from the web forum software once a day/week/month/whenever containing either message headers or the full text of messages posted to the forum since you last read them (either by logging in or reading the digest!)

Sounds useful, but it is currently broken. This is certainly due to the server move.

BTW, yes, I did see the other message, thanks for that. That's a more awkward one to fix, but I've got an idea which I'll try out over the weekend...