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Posted: Sat 03 Apr 2010 4:03 pm
by leili
Hey friends
How are you doing? Sorry for the dumb question but...
Well do you get itchy eyes washing your head with regular shampoos? Since I have been diagnosed with KC I use baby shampoo for my hair because I am afraid of the damage itching and the subsequent rubbing may have on my corneas. At first months I used to wear swimming goggles when I took bath and little by little I could overcome my fears and now I am using baby shampoos. Any comment? Am I being to conservative?

Re: shampoo?

Posted: Sat 03 Apr 2010 4:27 pm
by space_cadet
I was using stuff from LUSH Cosmetics and or Johnson n Johnsons baby shampoo but post DALK more and more paranoid and aware of how tender my eyes are , so now treating myself n getting my hair washed at the hairdressers each week as saves a trip back to the eye unit, can take own shampoo etc.

I was bout to psot this exact thread, so you ahve read my mind it seems x

Re: shampoo?

Posted: Sat 03 Apr 2010 7:55 pm
by leili
In fact I am using Johnson's baby shampoo so my hair is not at its best using it, but thats a price to be paid

Re: shampoo?

Posted: Sun 04 Apr 2010 3:40 pm
by space_cadet
Johnsons does nothing for my hair either hun, which is partly why I gave in and now a regular at the hairdressers up the road from me

Re: shampoo?

Posted: Sun 04 Apr 2010 3:43 pm
by crakerjacker
I just ensured that i kept my head back when washing my hair so no water could run down my face. Then have a towel at the ready so when you have finished press the towel on your forehead before rubbing your hair dry. Never had any problems with water in my eye since had graft in january 09

Re: shampoo?

Posted: Sun 04 Apr 2010 9:53 pm
by Loopy-Lou
I use any shampoo I want because I never get it in my eyes. I wash my hair using a showerhead bending over the bath, it's just technique. Then if anything starts to trickle down, have a towel between my knees ready to grab

Re: shampoo?

Posted: Mon 05 Apr 2010 7:51 am
by space_cadet
my hair is very thick (as in enough hair for several people) and half way down my back, I tend to give myself a head rush and then pass out if I wash it as you have described Lou, used to do that before we moved.

Re: shampoo?

Posted: Tue 06 Apr 2010 7:38 am
by kitty kat
tend to wash hair in the bath but feel it's not the same as washing it in the shower, but get to much in my eyes when using the shower, have tried the way lou said, didnt find it very easy, hose a bit short.

Re: shampoo?

Posted: Wed 07 Apr 2010 1:13 pm
by Loopy-Lou
I have long thick hair too, it takes practise, you can get shower heads you can put onto the bath taps which have a longer hose, about £8 from Boots, works just as well as head standing under the shower with better control of water not getting into the eyes. I don't know about the head rush, maybe that's a blood pressure problem

Re: shampoo?

Posted: Thu 08 Apr 2010 10:18 am
by crakerjacker
Can get the above for a couple of quid from asda or wilkos I believe