Which hospitals are KC 'centres of excellence'?

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Re: Which hospitals are KC 'centres of excellence'?

Postby pepepepe » Fri 22 Jan 2010 11:34 pm

"Hello Pepe
That's great that you have a relative who is a Director of an NHS Trust who understands the procedure for accessing the 'stats' on centres of excellence with regard to KC.

It would be most interesting if you would seek that feedback from your relative and share it on the forum

thanking you in anticipation.


Hello Julia,

Its difficult for staff to go over the heads of others to do a favour even if you really wish they would.

However you may ask at any "port of call" for stats. What I would say though is:

1) There are no surefire way to know even with stats on what your out come may be.
2) Everyone can have an "off day" (just like a painter or a dentist or in the job you do)
3) It depends on how far you want to look in to things - i.e even the equipment/materials used
4) you can have as much detailed contracts as you want, but if there is no trust then they do not matter.

This is just written as points to keep it brief to write and is by no way full as a list or complete.

There is so much that is at play, what one person considers as poison, its another persons drink.

Its tough, very much so, the more you think about it. Its best to go by what your very own consultant says, your GP, and after discussions if you wish to get a 2nd opinion then thats your right also, even for a third opinion, but spread the advice out over the various fields there are, is my only advice.

Generally by a huge margin you will be ok, it can be the case of talking/thinking about something which is a very small matter in reality which can magnify in our minds and fill it fully more than we should let it. Trust your consultant as you would getting in to a bus/taxi and trusting the driver, you have to let then do their job, and this means taking their advice, before entering in to the journey or if your not happy with the driver or the advice, seek and take the advice of another driver until your happy that you will get to where you want to go and be.

What ever happens let us know every step of the way


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