Systane - a better ocular lubricant...

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Systane - a better ocular lubricant...

Postby Lynn White » Fri 08 Apr 2005 7:21 am

Hi everyone.....

I just read on Ian's thread that his consultant had put him on Systane and he hadn't heard of it... despite I was discussing it a lot on another thread!! So I am putting up a new thread to explain!

Here is a link to the manufacturors website....

One reason why dry eyes or small abrasions on the eyes cause a problem is the way the eye heals. if you cut your skin, the cut heals from the bottom up forming a good seal. This takes some days as you know - but the eye needs to heal real fast to keep up with you blinking over it all the time so....

The cells on the eye flatten out and cover any damaged area within hours. The only problem is - they don't bed down to the layers underneath so that the surface cells get knocked off again really fast. If you keep wearing a lens over and over and it keeps irritating in the same place, the cells never get a chance to bed down properly.

Systane actually helps the healing process and helps to stop the new cells getting knocked off when you blink or put in a lens. It also forms a sustained film (hence the name)over the surface of the eye thus helping to cushion it from the effects of lid and lens.

You really only have to use it twice a day but if your eye is REALLY irritating you may get relief from using it more at first.

This actually make sit more economical as other frops like hypromellose you have to use more


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Postby Paul Morgan » Fri 08 Apr 2005 7:55 am


Forgive my lack of knowledge, but is this OK to use with RGP's and how might it affect their cleaning?

It sounds great stuff but I'd be nervous of causing them damage.

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Postby Lynn White » Fri 08 Apr 2005 6:20 pm


Nothing to forgive....!! I am currently trying to find out exactly if these are recommended to use with RGP's directly - as in use them with the lenses.

Meanwhile, there is absolutely NO problem putting them in a few minutes before inserting your lenses and after you take them out.

I'll keep you posted


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Postby John Smith » Fri 08 Apr 2005 6:52 pm

Hello Lynn,

I've just started wondering about using Systane (or something) with a scleral lens... after a couple of hours wear with my new lens, I occasionally find vision is a little cloudy, which is relieved by blinking! I'm guessing that the lens isn't wetting properly. Would systane help in that case?

Thanks for all your helpful postings

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Postby Lynn White » Fri 08 Apr 2005 7:40 pm


To be totally frank... I think it would. I have seen info around where people are using systane with lenses and as I have said elsewhere...I have used them with my soft lenses for nearly three years now... just as a practitioner I cannot "recommend" this (just in case a weird reaction with the lenses turns up and I get sued!!)

Sclerals are more robust and I would say go ahead and see what happens... I am in the process of checking with Alcon what they recommend. this often changes from country to country . I was was able to recommend their use with lenses in Trinidad because no legislation was in place to say not to. In the Uk we are rather hidebound by EU legislation (like the current supplement furore) which really - in the long run - hinders progress.

If you are having wetting problems then this product is most likely to help...

I'll get back to everyone here re this subject when I have more info from Alcon!


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Postby PeterO » Fri 01 Jul 2005 7:03 am

Hi Lynn,
Any updates on the use of Systane with RGP's?


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Postby Lynn White » Fri 01 Jul 2005 7:10 am

Well only so far as it seems to be OK to do so in the US.

In the UK, we not only have our regs but Europe's as well which gets endlessly confusing.

Thanks for reminding me of this one - I'll try and talk to Alcon and get more definite info.


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Postby jayuk » Fri 01 Jul 2005 2:33 pm

for what its worth I have been using systane every morning now for about 7 weeks......I first put a drop in the eye, wait about 3 mins, then get my lens apply conditioning solution and insert my RoseK

Not had a single problem...and i repeat this throughout the day. From what the website says and the insutrctions indicate, you are not meant to put systane in the eye if there is a lens in there already.....
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Postby Dave Dale » Fri 01 Jul 2005 2:54 pm

Well I figured the only 'do not use with lens in' was a legal disclaimer incase it damages the lenses and not your eye.

So.....for about 2 months now I put systane in when I get up, then about 10 mins later I put my soft perms in AND a drop a systane after putting in lens.l I find this places a nice, cool 'flim' over the lens and protects it more from dust etc.

It has not disturbed my vision, maybe only after first apllying but a few blinks later all is clear again!

If it has not affected the soft perm type lens where the two materials are fused together..I guess RGP's are going to be fine...but hey thats my uneducated guess only!

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Postby Sweet » Fri 01 Jul 2005 3:52 pm

Hey there just wanted to add that i use it with RGP's in as well and i don't find any problems. It is nice as well to put it in the fridge for ten minutes before use!

I replied to a post here recently though about prices, as i've found it varies from £4.90 to £5.95 and then Jay saw it somewhere as £7! LOL, was just curious that's all, but as Jay has said in the reply to that post, it is normally cheaper online so i think i will look into that. Unless anyone has a link already?

Ok, talk soon!

Sweet X x X
Sweet X x X


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