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48 hours till my life changes for so much the better...

Posted: Mon 14 Jan 2008 9:24 pm
by Becky Symmonds
Hi not really sure why posting except need to share. Going into East Grinstead hospital in Sussex tommorow, 15 jan for cornea transplant on my right eye on wed 16th jan, I'm terrified, excited, fearful..u name it I'm prob feeling it at the moment, feel sick. Can't wait for it to be all over, any advice from anyone, esp does anyone know how to turn colour setting/brighteness down to a gd and safe level while my eyes may be very sensitive. Don't worry will avoid it for a few days but need to know for when up to it. Is anyone able to pm me (think that's what it is called with their phone number) think may need some support and enpuragement esp with eye drops. think im making the right choice, have severly blurred vision in my right eye, thankfully my left is good but im exhausted by trying to live one eyed though good at it. any other advice anyone would like to share. Does anyone know anything about allergies and improving them through diet, i already avoid most diary.

anyway thanks for listening.

Re: 48 hours till my life changes for so much the better...

Posted: Mon 14 Jan 2008 10:35 pm
by timmytim7
hi becky,

best of luck for the operation


Re: 48 hours till my life changes for so much the better...

Posted: Tue 15 Jan 2008 7:38 am
by Andrew MacLean

All the best with your surgery. You are in our thoughts.


Re: 48 hours till my life changes for so much the better...

Posted: Tue 15 Jan 2008 11:02 am
by melissa
Good luck Becky. I am also waiting for transplant, so I have an idea of what you are feeling. I can't give any advice though. let us know how it goes.

Re: 48 hours till my life changes for so much the better...

Posted: Tue 15 Jan 2008 12:00 pm
by Michael P
Hey Becky.

Best wishes from me too.

I haven't had a graft but I am sure you will receive plenty of advice and support, from those who have, as and when you need it.

Re: 48 hours till my life changes for so much the better...

Posted: Tue 15 Jan 2008 9:47 pm
by Chris Pope
Hi Becky,
Your words echo my very own fears and feelings at the moment as I too am waiting on a transplant.
I am sure you will be fine and I have heard good reports about East Grinsted so I am sure you are in very good hands.
Best of luck and look forward to hearing from you again when you feel fit enough.

Re: 48 hours till my life changes for so much the better...

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2008 7:52 am
by helensy
Becky's in the hospital now and scheduled for around 2pm this afternoon. She's been fed tea and toast in bed and reckons she could get used to it so she's doing well! I'll update when I phone the ward later today. Fingers crossed.

Re: 48 hours till my life changes for so much the better...

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2008 10:52 am
by Andrew MacLean

thanks for keeping us up to date with Becky's situation. Tea and toast in bed is a luxury to which we could all become accustomed, but what do you do with the crumbs? :D

Assure Becky that she is in our thoughts. I am sure that everything will go well.


Re: 48 hours till my life changes for so much the better...

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2008 10:58 am
by Anne Klepacz
Becky - I hope it all goes really well. I've sent you a PM.

Re: 48 hours till my life changes for so much the better...

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2008 7:05 pm
by helensy
Well she's out of surgery, all went well and she's got a fetching white eye patch now. I did suggest she get a piglet or pooh patch to cheer her up but it didn't go down too well :twisted:

She's in overnight and home tomorrow I think and then hopefully a slow but definite journey to better sight in that eye at least. I'll pass on your wishes but I don't know when she'll feel up to going near a computer screen in the near future for obvious reasons. :wink: