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Intacs - stitches or no stitches?

Posted: Thu 25 Oct 2007 10:16 am
by Eddie S
Hi all,

An update and a question - yesterday I had my pre-op and all went well. Blood pressure and blood tests taken, my intacs op is confirmed for next Friday under General Anesthetic. Not the best as I dont recover well from GA but still, better than seeing whats going on I guess!

Just a quick question - I re-read Karl's diary this morning and noticed something I hadnt seen before, the word stitches. Well, I've seen the word before, obviously :lol:, but not in relation to an intacs op.

Is it common to have stitches or is it 50/50? I've searched the internet and found some sites saying stitches are not necessary whereas others explicitly say its part of the procedure.

The nurse who I saw yesterday admitted that she didnt know much about the op (although she was very honest about this which I appreciated) and a nurse who does know more will be calling me tomorrow, so i'm guessing she'll know. But from the point of view of the group, do you guys know.

Also anything else I should be ready for?

Starting to get excited/nervous!

Thanks in advance.


Re: Intacs - stitches or no stitches?

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2007 8:07 am
by Karl R

Mine was stitched at the opening of the channel which was done mechanically.

If all goes as well as my op, you may well notice an improvement in unaided vision as soon as the patch is changed. Expect to feel some discomfort as soon as you come round from the GA, this was managed well with paracetamol and ibuprofen in my case.

Strangely enough I didn't feel any kind of emotion when I went for my op wasn't nervous, apprehensive or excited, just blummin hungry as had starved since the night before and ended up being the last one down.

My thoughts will be with you next Friday, the date of your op is the same as my next follow up appointment.

Just remember not to overdo it afterwards and keep us updated as to how it is going


Re: Intacs - stitches or no stitches?

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2007 9:50 am
by Eddie S
Hi Karl,

Thanks. That helps. I think its fear of the unknown more than the actual act itself. I'm the sort of person who likes to have all the facts - if I buy a new gadget or something expensive I read all the reviews, ask lots of people etc. before I buy it. I guess this is the same.

I know the starving feeling too, having been the last on the list for my last double vision op, but I remember not really wanting to eat anything, more the opposite :oops: I've been told though that the anesthetist who'll be attending my op is really nice/good at his job so i'm hoping I wont feel quite so bad when I come around.



PS. If I phoned you up and said I was leaving <imsert mobile phone company here> would you offer me a Free iPhone? I'm not with <insert mobile phone company here>, just wondering!

Re: Intacs - stitches or no stitches?

Posted: Fri 26 Oct 2007 5:42 pm
by Karl R
Eddie S wrote:PS. If I phoned you up and said I was leaving <imsert mobile phone company here> would you offer me a Free iPhone? I'm not with <insert mobile phone company here>, just wondering!

In a word.......NO!!!! :D

The iphone isn't subsidised and will cost around £270 with a minimum tariff cost of £35 per month, 18 month contract only.

Personally I think it is overrated and the specification is poor for a modern mobile - 2 megapixel camera and not 3G enabled so surfing the net and downloading will take forever unless you are in a WiFi hotspot or next to your wireless router. However despite this it will sell.

Re: Intacs - stitches or no stitches?

Posted: Sat 27 Oct 2007 2:55 pm
by donna
Good luck for next friday Eddie :D I will be waiting for an update :wink: