4th Annual Conference - thank you

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Pat A
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4th Annual Conference - thank you

Postby Pat A » Sun 01 Jul 2007 6:44 pm

Just wanted to say a big thank you to the organising team - and the guest speakers - for the Conference. I found it a very enjoyable and informative event. And John didn't faint during the gory videos this year!! (Although he did go a bit red!!)

Look forward to seeing the DVD in due course - which I am sure will benefit those who were unable to attend.

Thanks again

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Postby rosemary johnson » Sun 01 Jul 2007 6:58 pm


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Re: 4th Annual Conference - thank you

Postby Michael P » Sun 01 Jul 2007 10:01 pm

Pat A wrote: And John didn't faint during the gory videos this year!! (Although he did go a bit red!!)

He went more than just "a bit red" :twisted: :lol:

Yes, I agree with everything Pat has said.

Many thanks from me too.

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Postby Susan Mason » Sun 01 Jul 2007 10:38 pm

Hi all

On the subject of going red and fainting, it was very warm especially at lunch time.

John - you were very safe though what with Sweet sat in front of you and my sister the nurse behind you I don't think you would of had a chance to faint before one of them was tending to you! :twisted:

Thanks to all who put in the hard work and effort to make it possible and the guest speakers for enlightening us all.

best wishes

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Postby Pat Chinnery » Mon 02 Jul 2007 12:27 am

First of all, a very big thank you to all who spent the time to set up this years conferance.
Yes John did change colour very quickly,an octupus would be proud of such a quick colour change, I was sat behind him! The speakers where first class and I learnt things that had not even entered my mind before.
I also think it was getting a bit warm as the day went on.
To all those that came to the pub afterwards, thank you for a very good evening. Rosemary came up trumps with the chinese, how on earth can they do food at that price.
How many of the limited edition ,never to be repeated mugs did not make it to their final destination?
I look forward to meeting as many of you as posible in the future.
Pat. from Windsor

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Postby Eddie S » Mon 02 Jul 2007 7:20 am

Hi all,

I'd just like to add my thanks - it turned out to be a very interesting day - congratulations to all involved - a day that reassured me about Intacs but at the same time scared me silly about rubbing my eyes (i've been sitting on my hands since!) and reinforced that even though my lenses are ultra comfy, I need to be careful about wearing them (I am in SoftPerms).

Thanks also to those of you that let me stare into your eyes to see if I could find evidence of a graft or intacs and to those who gave talks - very interesting.

Next time around I'm going to bring a personal supply of ice and water - phew it was hot in there. To any of you that were sitting nearby and were concerned, I didnt stick my head between my legs because of the intacs video, I did it because I thought I was going to faint due to heat! I havent felt like that since I was 12, and back then I did tend to fall over!

One thing Pat - I noticed you leaving, but I didnt notice your promised attire..

OK - thanks for the tip off - better wear my wellies and plastic mac I think...

Nor did I notice any throwing of raw veg. Now that would have been different. :D

I hope you all had a safe journey home and look forward to seeing you in 2009 if not before.

Somebody complimented me on my driving yesterday - they left a note on my windscreen "Parking Fine" which was nice.
KC managed with softperm lens in left eye, Intacs (2/11/07) in right eye

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Postby GarethB » Mon 02 Jul 2007 7:43 am


If I had a hand free, veg would have been thrown! :twisted:

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Postby Eddie S » Mon 02 Jul 2007 7:44 am


At who!?


BTW - anyone who passed me, looked at my name badge and thought hmmm strange name, that was me (my first name is spelt Edouard, the french spelling - blame my parents all I could do was cry and smile at that age!)
Somebody complimented me on my driving yesterday - they left a note on my windscreen "Parking Fine" which was nice.
KC managed with softperm lens in left eye, Intacs (2/11/07) in right eye

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Postby Karl R » Mon 02 Jul 2007 9:46 am

Eddie S wrote:Gareth,

At who!?


Me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And Gareth you did have a hand free, I was watching you.

Seriously though, I though it to be well organized and informative, especially the video showing the INTACS operation.

Thanks to the committee and members who made it happen, especially those who had to put up with me prattling on about my op.

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Thank you

Postby Matt Allgood » Mon 02 Jul 2007 11:16 am

Hi all

I'd particularly like to thank all those who contributed so generously to the donation bucket and purchased KC Group merchandise (T-Shirts, phone chairs and mugs). This enabled the Group to net a total of £476.38 on the day.

We're now out of T-Shirts, however mugs and phone chairs are still available and can be ordered via our registered charity address.

It was also great to put faces to the names that have appeared on cheques to the KC Group over the years. Your continued support helps us to carry out a range of activities - and long may it continue.

Kind regards

Matt Allgood
Treasurer and Vice Chair
Keratoconus Group
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