Dry eyes

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Midgebill 1972
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Dry eyes

Postby Midgebill 1972 » Thu 17 Aug 2023 4:18 pm

I have been wearing RGP lenses for my KC for 43 years, but for the last 3 or 4 years they are getting more and more uncomfortable. I have dry eyes due to meibomian gland dysfunction, for which I have heat treatment done rvery 4 months locally. I have tried celluvisc, theoloz and most of yhe hycosan dry eye drops. But all they do is make my lenses go cloudy after a few minutes. I seem to spend most of my time cleaning my lenses. Has any one had kerasoft lenses with dry eyes? How did they get on? I also sometimes have a piggyback for my left eye which makes my eye even drier. Any help would be appreciated.

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Anne Klepacz
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Re: Dry eyes

Postby Anne Klepacz » Sat 19 Aug 2023 4:33 pm

It sounds as if you've tried most things! There was an article about KC and dry eyes in the Autumn 2020 newsletter https://www.keratoconus-group.org.uk/in ... wsletters/
You might find something there. And have you tried the ointments you can put it at night to see if they make any difference if you're having problems with lenses clouding over with drops? I've never used kerasoft, so can't help you there. Sadly, dry eyes seem to get worse as we get older.

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Re: Dry eyes

Postby gsward » Sat 19 Aug 2023 4:56 pm

Two things. You don't mention Hylo Night which is available over the counter but can also be prescribed. You use it literally at night, not when you are wearing lenses as it is greasy. The problem with other drops is that they can sometimes actually make things worse if they 'wash' away what tear film you have.
Scleral lenses can often be a good solution for dry eye as the cornea has saline between it and the lens surface.

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Re: Dry eyes

Postby Green » Fri 15 Sep 2023 6:29 pm

I can recommend Hylo-night as suggestec

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