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Do you have issues using a computer?

Posted: Sun 24 Mar 2019 1:27 pm
by gsward
Since you are reading this forum you must be and the chances are you will have some challenges using a screen.

This is a useful article that explains some of the options that exist on a Windows 10 laptop/desktop that might improve things (and why). You don't need to buy a new one.

It is not always about screen and font size. Sometimes even the small screen of a mobile device suitably is more helpful zoomed in is a more satisfactory solution. Colour, of course, can play a part, even reversed, say yellow on black is easier on the eyes.

Let us know if you have tips or experiences to share, or links to other articles.


Re: Do you have issues using a computer?

Posted: Sun 24 Mar 2019 6:35 pm
by space_cadet
I invert colours and use Zoom Text for large text portions to both read and write for me but magnify everything as standard. on my iPhone I use voice over, then again I am legally blind due to my KC n other complications so my sight is far worse than most whom have KC on its own.