Vision when taking contacts out

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Vision when taking contacts out

Postby kieran19685 » Thu 22 May 2014 7:59 am


I have been piggybacking for a few weeks and i have noticed my vision seems to be alot worst when taking my contacts out at night compared to RGP's.

Any idea why this is?

Seems alot more clouding than usual


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Re: Vision when taking contacts out

Postby GarethB » Thu 22 May 2014 9:07 am

This could be due to several things;

1) The brain has got used to seeing pretty well throughout the day so being slow to adjust
2) The effect of two lenses on the eye is causing additional corenal moulding
3) The cornea is starting to suffer mild oxygen deprevation becuase of the additional thickness of material that it neeeds to pass through
4) Tear exchange is much reduced so causing the cornea to dry out

These are the most common reasons that I have come across. Are your eye red by the time you take your lenses out?

A tests I found to see if oxygen dperevation is occuring was to see what the halos round a white light were like, if they were a rainbow, I knew there was oxygen deprevation as the eye floods the cornea cells with water from inside the eye to try and oxygneate the cornea, left long enough the effect is like looking through milky water.

Poor tear exchange can result in runny eyes as the eye tries to hydrate the cornea or the cornea can feel dry and gritty as it is dry.

In both of the above the eyes can be pink or red when it comes to taking lenses out.

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Re: Vision when taking contacts out

Postby Grant » Thu 22 May 2014 9:20 am

I find that piggybacking seems to create more mucus than when I wore just RGPs, maybe that causes the clouding? I don't take my lens out until I go to bed so don't really notice what my vision is like then.

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Re: Vision when taking contacts out

Postby munster » Tue 27 May 2014 8:13 pm

Grant wrote:I find that piggybacking seems to create more mucus than when I wore just RGPs, maybe that causes the clouding? I don't take my lens out until I go to bed so don't really notice what my vision is like then.

My tear film make up is more mucus with less water and oil. So its not good to start off with. Regular lubrication drops is a must for me.

Mucus causes smearing/blurring/fogging on lenses. Sometimes this occurs to me. Once it starts, I can't really stop it. I take out the lenses, clean them, wash my eye out. Within 1 hour, it all starts again. Sort of like a form of conjunctivitis.

I suggest using more lubrication drops thru-out the day, or drops with a mild cleaner in it, such as Clens100.

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