Graft update post op

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby Andrew MacLean » Tue 06 May 2008 6:27 pm


The law does give you general protection, but there comes a point where you just have to be sensible and recognize that there may be a degree of incompatibility of some occupations with some conditions. I am sure that your employer will do everything in their power to make 'reasonable adjustments' to accommodate your eye condition.

All the best

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Re: Graft update post op....Further update...NOT Happy!!!

Postby Bobbybingo » Tue 13 May 2008 3:25 pm

Hi Eervyone

Went for check up today (tuesday) post op 4 weeks, not good news as have an infection in grafted eye and stitches come loose, Now have to go back Thursday for second operation under GA.
Felt something might be wrong for last week or so as unable to open my eye up...thought it was just due to the sunny weather etc In hindsight should have gone to see someone sooner.
Have been given another 2 lots of drops to calm it down for op. Should not have to stay in over night though which is good, but have to go thru op all over again...could have cried this morning when told.

Will keep you all posted after op Thursday


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Re: Graft update post op

Postby Andrew MacLean » Tue 13 May 2008 5:16 pm


This is rotten news: we are all proud of you for taking it so well.

Be assured that we are with you all the way. Will be thinking of you as you go through operation number 2 and then recover from General Anesthetic number 2.

Take care


ps Remember that there are four signs of trouble with a graft that can be remembered by the mnemonic RSVP:
R redness
S sensitivity to light
V vision decrease
P pain.
Any of these four symptoms, experienced after the initial healing period, should be reported to your ophthalmologist immediately.
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Re: Graft update post op

Postby melissa » Wed 14 May 2008 7:20 am

Shame Bob- thats not great news. We will be thinking about you. Are they restitching the whole thing??
I was wolloped in the eye with my nephew's rattle toy on the weekend. I burst into tears not so much from pain but from pure fear of having to go through it all again. Total overreaction- I think my family thought my eye had fallen out!!!.... It seems okay and I am just overdoing the drops a bit more.

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby robcm » Wed 14 May 2008 8:35 am

hi bobby - really sorry to hear your news. We will all be thinking of you and i'm sure that when this has all settled down you'll be able to look back and think all the heartache was worth it. My thoughts will be with you as you go through the op again

good luck!


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Re: Graft update post op

Postby Chris Pope » Fri 16 May 2008 1:15 pm

Hi Bob,
So sorry to hear the bad news, fingers crossed this is the last of your bad luck.
Best of luck mate

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby neil311 » Sun 01 Jun 2008 1:58 pm

hi bob just wondering how are you getting on. I"m also from Southampton had graft op on 14 april

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby Bobbybingo » Tue 03 Jun 2008 8:37 pm

Hi Again

Sorry for not posting recently but as you know I had another op a couple of weeks ago to re stitch my grafted eye under GA.hat in it self went ok, but apart from being back to square one I was having trouble keeping my eye open and it was very light sensitive.
I have had numerous trips back to Soton hospital and even on one occasion went back the next day, this is a 100 mile round trip and not being able to drive I obviously have to rely on my girlfriend to drive me.

However, after asking lots more questions and being a bit down about it all I have a clearer understanding of whats going on. The main thing with me is that I'am atopic......allergys etc etc being very sensitive having had eczema in the past. This is causing the eye to heal very slowly!!!! The eye is very inflammed and its a very hard job for the consultant to get the right balance with the medication to surpress the inflamation, but also to allow normal healing. A week after the 2nd op the eye wasn't doing very well and I was struggling until avisit to hospital they put a bandaged contact lens in the grafted it was so comfortable,i could keep my eye open now and could not feel the stitches, they also changed the medication slightly.

I went to s Mr Anderson today at Soton and he was very pleased with the progress, but still eye was quite inflammed, he has given me some cream to put in the eye twice a day, its called CYCLOSPORIN, Don't know if you guys have heard of it but its only produced for animals on licence apartently it would cost them millions to get human licence. So hopefully I won't wake up one morning HOWLING and covered in Hair!!!!! I am also without the bandaged lens and it feels a bit ropey at the moment but i can keep the eye open.

Well thats about it for the last 3 weeks, thanks to everyone and especially Mellisa, hope everyone is well.
Also Hi to neil from Soton hope ur graft is ok and would love to chat to you.

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby melissa » Thu 05 Jun 2008 7:56 am

Ha Ha Ha.... I am glad it went well and hope the recovery continues... that light sensitivity must be terrible- i only had it for 2 weeks. keep us posted...

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Re: Graft update post op

Postby tneedham » Thu 05 Jun 2008 1:06 pm

That is nasty you had to have it re-done... Glad it is going ok now for you.

I am on the waiting list for the full thickness graft at southampton hospital, i was not going to have it but for the next few years but the weekend after i started a new job i developed hydrops in my left eye. that was 2 weeks ago and i am currently known as 'Tom the pirate' at work, i suppose its a good job my name isnt jack or john..............or blackbeard. (does anyone know where i can get a decent patch?)
Anyway, its pretty tough going at the moment both physically and mentally, my right eye (also with acute KC and sclerals) is being put under a lot of strain with working on the computer and it being a new job, and it feels so darn depressing as it seems at the moment that i have 'lost an eye'.

I wanted to ask why you had the op done, and how you coped with it? was your surgeon Mr Anderson? how did you find having the op done at Southampton.

Best Regards


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