please share that with me...........

General forum for the UK Keratoconus and self-help group members.

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Fredrik Kjellström
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Postby Fredrik Kjellström » Mon 02 Apr 2007 3:17 pm

Name: Fredrik Kjellström
Age: 26
General Location: Stockholm, Sweden
How long since you were diganosed?: Today. I have probobly had it for at least 6-8 years in a very mild form.
Which eye is your bad eye?: Right
Have you had surgery?: No
Hardest thing for you about living with KC?; The worst thing for me is my occupation. As an art director / graphic designer my vision needs to be fairly clear. It may sound wierd but my job is a very important part of my life. Right now its only my right eye that has keratoconus. The vision on my left eye is good so I shouldn´t complain too much.. Although I am a bit afraid that my left eye also got the condition since my astigmatism recently got a bit worse.

Good things: I just found out I have keratoconus but i have suspected it for some time now and i was mentaly prepered before my appointment at the hospital. Thanks to this site among others. As far as I understand you dont get blind by this condition and you can do things about it (lenses and transplants). Maybe i think now that I know I have keratoconus I can appriciate still having a reasonable good vision for as long as I can.

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Keratoconus: Yes, I have KC
Vision: Graft(s) and contact lenses
Location: Warwickshire

Postby GarethB » Mon 02 Apr 2007 3:29 pm


Welcome to the forum, in the Midlands area support group we have a person who has opted not to have a graft and now has a guide dog as he is now registerd blind.

He is also a graphics designer and with some extra equipment for his computer he appears to manage perfectly well.

What sort of assistance is available to you in Sweeden?

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Forum Stalwart
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Vision: Contact lenses
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Postby donna » Mon 02 Apr 2007 3:32 pm

Name: Donna
Age: 33yrs
General Location: Cumbria
How long since you were diganosed?: 4 months
Which eye is your bad eye?: my left
Have you had surgery?: No
Hardest thing for you about living with KC? Explaining to people what it is, coping with the bad days, worrying how bad it will become, worrying about the financial side of things ie. cost of lens, solutions etc

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Fredrik Kjellström
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Postby Fredrik Kjellström » Mon 02 Apr 2007 3:52 pm

Hi Gareth,

I am not sure if I understand the first sentence correctly . (Sorry for my poor english) Graft, is it the same as a cornea transplant?

Its nice to know he is able to work with some extra equipment to his computer.

I do not know yet what kind of assistance is available. I am lucky enough to still have a good vision on my left eye. I still manage to work without glasses and lenses although I occationally get tired and have headaches.

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Andrew MacLean
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Postby Andrew MacLean » Mon 02 Apr 2007 4:16 pm

Gud tag Frederik! Wilcomen til forum!
Andrew MacLean

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Keratoconus: Yes, I have KC
Vision: Graft(s) and contact lenses
Location: London / South Wales

Postby Sweet » Mon 02 Apr 2007 4:36 pm

Hey there!!! Just thought I would add my little post!! :D

Name: Claire - Most here know that Sweet is my last name as well, I didn't make that up for online forums!!

Age: 30 - Hehe I am trying to go backwards now every year to 21, but with a twin sister I might get found out!! :wink:

General Location: London but I am completely welsh and have only been here 3 years!!

How long since you were diganosed?: 16years, diagnosed at 14 but didn't really take it seriously until I was 16 and couldn't see well to take exams.

Which eye is your bad eye?: Left I have never seen anything with this eye except a light box!

Have you had surgery?: Yes, I was pretty much blind two years ago as my good eye had problems so I went and tried to even things up by getting the bad eye done in a hope that I would be able to see again!

Hardest thing for you about living with KC?: On a really bad day I'm annoyed with having to put lenses in to see. A little piece of plastic when most people can see without using them! How brilliant it would be to wake up and see!!!

On a good day I remember what it was like to be almost blind and not able to wear lenses to see and so now I am dam thankful for every day with vision that I have! :)

Best thing?: I have met so many wonderful friends here who understand what KC is and are so supportive. Without the help here I might have given up when I was almost blind. I now find that i don't take things for granted and have confirmed to myself that being materialistic is completely pointless. We can't buy good health :roll:
Sweet X x X


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Keratoconus: Yes, I have KC
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Postby GarethB » Mon 02 Apr 2007 5:35 pm


Your English is excellent, graft and transplant are the same.

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Postby Elizabeth-Louise » Mon 02 Apr 2007 5:35 pm

i was 21 seen keratograph , ophthalmology tell me one year late.she told me not lot then can do i was 21. my mind and scared . one year late but one consuitant told me i would need a graft with out tell me i had KC.the day befor ophthalmolgy told me i had KC;my life changed.i got on with with my life be scared.then my vision changed i was on my owe;the consuitant was not to helpfull .now 24 ,
Last edited by Elizabeth-Louise on Mon 02 Apr 2007 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Eddie S
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Keratoconus: Yes, I have KC
Vision: I have Intacs implanted
Location: Leicester

Postby Eddie S » Sat 14 Apr 2007 7:48 pm

Name: Eddie Spooner
Age: 34
General Location: Leicester
How long since you were diganosed?: Diagnosed at 18/19
Which eye is your bad eye?: Have problems with both, but left eye is least tolerant to lenses.
Have you had surgery?: No, but intacs/transplant are on the cards! :shock:
Somebody complimented me on my driving yesterday - they left a note on my windscreen "Parking Fine" which was nice.
KC managed with softperm lens in left eye, Intacs (2/11/07) in right eye

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Postby piper » Mon 16 Apr 2007 1:55 am

Name: keith
Age: 56
General Location:Deep South, Louisiana, USA
How long since you were diganosed?:about 7-8 years
Which eye is your bad eye?: this week: left, no graft yet
Have you had surgery?:two, right eye, left eye pending in four days
Hardest thing for you about living with KC?Hmmmm.....have not found anything easy about living with KC....probably having to depend on others for the transportation, and finding things I can SEE when I set them down or drop them......and the physical pain of badly fitting lenses and dust behid the lens.......and not seeing my children clearly......or being able to load up my kayak and just go out to the a lot of ways having KC is quite like carrying a bag of sand about with slows you down, tires you out and you have to explain it to everyone!

Cheers, Piper

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