Driving standard UK

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Driving standard UK

Postby zZastra » Mon 20 Nov 2017 7:05 pm


I am annoyed at the DVLA's way of testing VA, My VA with RGP contacts is 6/7.5 (or 20/25), the driving standard is 6/12, so i am way over that.. But I can not read a number plate at 20 Metres properly, i can read it at 19 metres, but not 20.. literally 1 metre difference. I dont know what to do, i have taken a few driving lessons but what will I do on my test? On top of my test nerves I will have the nerves of the eyesight test.

I am no way a unsafe driver, Every Optometrist I have seen has said I am safe to drive by far, as long as i wear my glasses or contacts. My instructor has never said anything about my vision either, so they must think I am safe to drive or they would not get in the car with me.

I am so frustrated at this point, how far does the plate be on the test, would examiners care if someone is just below the guidelines or just about borderline? I am thinking of just memorising the plates which are most likely to be chosen before I go in, but that is risky..

Any advice is appreciated. :)

Stirchley Cortez
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Re: Driving standard UK

Postby Stirchley Cortez » Tue 21 Nov 2017 6:07 pm

As someone who is having to give up a driving job due to loss of lens/eyesight I do sympathise with you however there seems no way around it. If the examiner on the day isn't satisfied that you can meet the eyesight requirement they will halt the test. However they are not going to measure out 20 meters so chances are it will be within your range and you'll be fine.
Way back when I did my test my RGP actually popped out on my hill start. I managed to hide it until the end of the test & passed so good luck to you, don't worry too much and let us know how you got on.

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Anne Klepacz
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Re: Driving standard UK

Postby Anne Klepacz » Wed 22 Nov 2017 5:08 pm

Hi zZastra,
What is the problem you have reading a number plate? Is it that the letters blur into each other when you're further away? I used to find that I could read more on the Snellen chart, where the letters have spaces in between them than I could in the 'real world' when letters are next to each other. How do you find reading road signs quickly when you're travelling at 50mph? (something else I had difficulty with at one stage on my KC journey). The trouble is, you need to be safe as a driver in all lighting conditions and all weather conditions, which includes dusk, night driving and driving when it's pouring with rain. Of course, the driving test doesn't actually cover any of that, though it probably should! Have you asked your optometrist about the discrepancy between the VA when they test you and what you find when you're reading a number plate? It would be interesting to know their view.

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Re: Driving standard UK

Postby mikey2017 » Wed 22 Nov 2017 7:15 pm

I have a similar problem at the moment, I am wanting to pass my test and it is hit and miss when it comes to the number plate. i can make out most of the letters/numbers but for instance a 'q' might look like an 'o' or an 'o' might look like a 'd' so i'm slightly worried about the actual exam. i have been using vutest.com to test my vision. I have also recently been to Moorfields and been given glasses to go OVER my contact lenses. i currently wear RGP with piggy backs to make them more comfortable with my physical job - and now the glasses over the top! i think there is a slight improvement with my vision, sometimes i doubt if there is but when i'm a passenger in the car i can see signs clearer than normal. it' seems more prominant so maybe this is worth looking into as a boost. i was told for YEARsssssssssS i couldn't have glasses with KC, went to Moorfields and THEY told me, would i be interested in glasses... I was tested with my lenses in, so a boost to my vision with RGP. and then took my lenses out and was tested for glasses with that. without my lenses i can't even see the big A!!!! when i was being tested for glasses whilst not wearing my lenses i felt like i could cry as i could see letters, and read a good 3/4 lines which if you have KC and don't wear your contacts you will know is really hard unless you squint!! my glasses are getting made up and hopefully, although reallllllly strong lenses' will help me in the morning with watching tv, making tea/coffee without having to be an inch from it! i completely rely on my lenses for vision, without them i can't see detail...wondering if anyone else has come across wearing glasses over lenses with KC and if it has helped them?

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