Drew Thompson KC Optometrist Lancashire

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Bulls Eye
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Drew Thompson KC Optometrist Lancashire

Postby Bulls Eye » Sat 01 Jul 2017 10:30 pm

http://www.keratoconus-group.org.uk/opt ... t=0&long=0

I had the misfortune of being diagnosed with bi lateral KC coming up to 34 years ago. This progressive debilitating disease eventually became a visual, invisible to others, disability and almost led me to losing my life - suicide due to not being able to find health care professionals to manage and treat my condition or any support and the mental health conditions of anxiety and depression it creates and huge financial damage. A NHS healthcare system of neglect unable to allocate sufficient time to manage such a complex and challeging condition being the root cause.

Four years ago I discovered Drew thanks to a recommendation at a private consultation made with Mr Rahman Opthalmologist Consultant at Spire on the Fylde. Drew is the first optometrist in 34 years who hass been able to come up with a contact lens solution for me after 30 years of unsuccessful fitting of contact lenses at one of the the major eye hospitals in the north west which has cost me a fortune in travelling costs, purchasing NHS contact lenses unfit for purpose, and time/loss of annual leave to take for holidays.

If you live in the North West of England and are yet to find a contact lens solution I would advise you make an appointment to see Drew. Sadly the OPTH eye consultant at the eye hospital where I had my transplant in 2013 refused to refer me to Drew who is located alot nearer to home,

Wish somebody could have given me such a recommendation when I needed it all that time ago. Feel like I have lost 30 years of my life due to the medical neglect and lack of representation and support by all the charities.

Does any other KCer feel the same?

Forum Stalwart
Forum Stalwart
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Re: Drew Thompson KC Optometrist Lancashire

Postby Loopy-Lou » Tue 01 Aug 2017 12:58 pm

Yes I know how you feel, there are probably others too, but ophthalmic services/charities indirectly or directly expect stoic positive thinking and there's zero activism.
I've given up with a recent lens, discharged myself from the ophthalmologist and have given up

Forum Stalwart
Forum Stalwart
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Keratoconus: Yes, I have KC
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Re: Drew Thompson KC Optometrist Lancashire

Postby Loopy-Lou » Tue 01 Aug 2017 1:00 pm

72 views in the last month and I'm the first person to comment

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Bulls Eye
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Joined: Sat 29 Apr 2017 5:35 pm
Keratoconus: Yes, I have KC
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Re: Drew Thompson KC Optometrist Lancashire

Postby Bulls Eye » Wed 02 Aug 2017 9:20 pm

Hi Lou

Thank you for responding. Sorry to see that you have given up on the lenses thats what I did - you are not alone. Wonder how many others there are.

As you say 72 views and one month later yours is the first response. Sad indeed.

Anyway I hope that the information I have supplied will help someone.

I agree with every one of your comments.

Best wishes

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