22 Years On.. and its Advice Time!

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Re: 22 Years On.. and its Advice Time!

Postby GarethB » Wed 24 Apr 2013 6:18 am

oneeyedraz wrote:Can anyone elaborate if Kerasoft IC is similar to No7 SoClear (Optimum Extra)?

These lenses are completely different, Kerasoft IC is a silicon hydrogel soft contact lens designed for irregular corneas (IC) which includes Keratoconus whereas the No7 Soclear is a corneo-scleral lens made from a rigid gas permeable material (RGP).

I completly sympathise with your situation of alternating between lenses, I did this for a few years but I still had to go weekends with no vision correction to allow my eyes to recover and even then gradualy my lens wear came down to about an hour in each eye per day with regular visits to eye casualty because my eyes would cry enough. We tried different types of RGP based contact lenses with no improvement to lens wear time despite the good quality of vision and we eventually concuded that I had become sensitised to either the RGP material or having something rigid against the cornea. At this point I was already looking at the Keraasoft 3 lenses (forerunner to Kerasoft IC) and instantly got vision comparable with an RGP lens and all day lens wear. A couple of years later the Kerasoft IC was launched and I moved on to that which was even better still.

There was a period where my corneas had to demould from the RGP lenses but we found the Kerasoft lenses were robust enough that we could start with 6/6 vision or better and as my eye demoulded over a coupe of months the vision would drop to 6/12 which is Ok to drive with and do close work on a computer at which point we would refit the lenses back to the 6/6 mark and let the demoulding continue. We got through a few lens changes in a 12 month period as my corneas demoulded from 4 - 5 years lens wear but since then everything has pretty much been stable. Only a couple of minor changes that relate to the age of my grafts and my own age in the past five years but now I only require an annual check up at the hospital.

I also find that I no longer suffer neovascularization which I did get with RGP's, I think it was also a case of being caused by lens irritation rather than lack of oxygen. I know the hospital were concerend with this when we started looking at soft lenses despite Kerasoft IC having a comparable oxygen permeability to a more conventional corneal RGP lens. This is one reason I looked at a soft lens over the scleral type lenses because I considered that the larger tear layer would mean further distance for any oxygen to travel between the lens and get to my cornea. For me there was also the sensitisation issue because my eye lid would still be incontact with an RGP material.

The bottom line is, until you try the enses you will never know which suits you best.

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Re: 22 Years On.. and its Advice Time!

Postby sophietw » Wed 24 Apr 2013 11:02 am

Hi Shiraz,

To answer your questions.. ICD lenses have pretty much the same oxygen permeability as SoClear lenses. They are not actually made of the same material, but the Dk (unit of oxygen permeability) is very similar. Both have a very high Dk, and for the vast majority of people should let adequate oxygen through to the eye even if worn all waking hours. It is very unusual in my experience to see significant neovascularisation in a SoClear wearer, and the growth of neovasc would normally indicate either a problem with the fit, or a very grubby lens. Sometimes if the edge part of a SoClear is pressing on the limbus (the bit where the cornea and sclera meet, and where all the stem cells for the cornea live), this can stimulate new blood vessels. It can also happen if the lens is constantly rubbing on the cornea causing irritation and staining, which stimulated blood vessel growth towards the area of damage.

Kerasoft IC lenses have a comparatively lower Dk compared with ICD or SoClears, but in reality its usually perfectly adequate for a happy eye. If a SoClear is well fitted, it shouldn't cause a problem. The benefit of the ICD lens is it doesn't touch the cornea at all, so will not cause any physical irritation on the cornea. It's common to witness neovasc quickly regress when refitted with a scleral lens. With a Kerasoft IC, the lens is soft and irritation is much reduced and usually eliminated, so again can be a good choice for upset eyes.

I think what I am trying to get at is that with modern lens designs such as all the ones we've been talking about, Oxygen isn't usually the issue, the main problem I suspect is the fit. A bad or harsh fit can and does cause scarring, daily irritation and sometimes neovasc. Hope that clears up a few things!

email: sophie@brightoncontactlensclinic.co.uk

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Re: 22 Years On.. and its Advice Time!

Postby oneeyedraz » Tue 30 Apr 2013 10:57 pm

Hi Guys,

Many thanks for the great advice!.. Feel alot emboldened already!!.

Gareth, just to confirm: Kerasoft IC are fully soft and not like SynergEyes, which turned out impractical and awful for my eyes.
Poor Nigel spend alot of time refitting, but they just failed miserably on my eyes.

I am going to look at both options and speak to Nigel at Yates about them.

All the best and keep you the great work, its people such as yourselves that make this site a beacon for KC sufferers

Best Regards


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Re: 22 Years On.. and its Advice Time!

Postby oneeyedraz » Fri 08 Jul 2016 11:44 pm

Hello Everyone,

It now July 2016 - 3 years on from my last post. And where to continue...??

I ended up on the patient list of Dr. Brahma of Manchester Eye. In April 2015 I had DALK surgery with Drs Brahma/Au but ended up as a PK due to complications. At present stitches are still in and I'm on Prednislone Eye Drops once a day but vision wise its just a better "blur". Nigel has me on corrective glasses and so I continue with my oneeye!. He says its pretty much healed some scar tissue and a hint of cataracts (probably normal at my age). I am having trouble getting follow up appointments with Manc. Eye - they are busy.

Biggest problem with the op has to be the pronounced astigmatism in the left eye which give me a physical imbalance since I cannot make out depth or focal lenght with both eyes. Is it time for a pirate eye patch?

All the best

When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye

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Re: 22 Years On.. and its Advice Time!

Postby Stealth_Za » Wed 17 Aug 2016 8:33 pm

I only registered today, but I just wanted to congratulate you on making it through so many years with keratoconus (I've only had about 8yrs so far). I tried all the lenses you mentioned but I got my fit for a scleral lens today and it was amazing (comfort/vision) compared to all the others. Good luck with your battle and stay strong!

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