last stitches out- no sharpness

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last stitches out- no sharpness

Postby Daz_31 » Fri 26 Sep 2014 3:36 pm

I am over 16 months after DALK , until now all were good.
had new job, new plans, sort my life and started live normal after dalk,.
last tuesday i was in Clinic to remov my last 8 stitches-- and all gone..
after year of good vision now sudenlly no sharpness..
after how they remowe my last stiches i lost sharpness of vision before that all was good, not perfect becasue I still need graft on my right eye
however I can use pc normal, live and enjoy--so whats happend?
doctor said I has to be like thar for few days up to week even but why?
I am really really disapointed .I thought it only can be better, soon as they remove rest of stiches will be only better....
but looks like not yet or need a time..
Need your advice what to do next ?? I done all this graft in czech republic but now I live in UK
never have any contact lens on my @new@ eye, doctor say wait..give a time??
what You think about it? I can`t back to work I cant live normal is like You give a child a cookie and adter two bites yOU TAKE IT AWAY ...]
i AM SAD, AND worry about future

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Anne Klepacz
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Re: last stitches out- no sharpness

Postby Anne Klepacz » Fri 26 Sep 2014 4:36 pm

Hi Daz,
I completely understand how disappointed you feel. But when stitches are removed, the graft needs to settle down again. The stitches meant the tissue was under some tension, and now that has been relaxed. The doctor's right - the graft may take a few weeks until it assumes its final shape. Whether you'll get the same sharpness of vision back that you had last week only time will tell. Most people do still need correction after a graft. Sometimes that's with glasses, sometimes it's with contact lenses. So for the moment, you need to be patient for a few weeks and see how it ends up.
Did you have your stitches removed in the UK or in the Czech republic? If you're not already being monitored for your KC in a UK hospital, ask your GP to refer you and you'll be able to get advice on whether you'll need glasses or contact lenses for the best vision in your grafted eye. I know it's hard when things go backwards (the same thing happened to me with one of my grafts after the stitches came out). But you will get there! Even if you end up needing glasses or a contact lens for that eye, you should find that you'll be able to see a whole lot better than before the graft.
Good luck!

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Re: last stitches out- no sharpness

Postby Daz_31 » Tue 30 Sep 2014 6:32 pm

Thanl You for Your words. Really help me You has beem first person after my@little@ breaking down, when I was in pieces, even my wife didnt know whay & how to do to make my better...Last Wednesday I back to Stansted Airport 11pm and I can`t read airport screens. Day before I was in Czech take last 8 out, and didnt ask doctor what will be next, I been there so many timmes tey treat my like friend not patient.
so If they didnt warn me that it can take a time to get back good sharpness iI thougt it should be as it iss..
Parensts, sisters, family all sad and nobody cant help, --won`t speak with nobody and do notging...
first time in my life so badly depressed..
then after 2 days i read Your post -- and because I watch Your activity here and all about KC I know You write how it is, not what I want to hear in that time
Dziekuje Ci z calego serca.

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