C3-R for KC

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Re: C3-R for KC

Postby electricheadx » Tue 13 Apr 2010 12:47 pm


Thanks for the info.

I'll be back with my Optom on Monday next for a check up.
I'll ask her about trying to fit a Kerasoft Lens and see what she thinks.


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Re: C3-R for KC

Postby gurdevb » Sun 18 Apr 2010 5:43 pm

Sorry guys, i've been away for a week or so and just catching upon the posts.
Denis, thanks for the info. Just for info, I was offered this treatment in India for £750 (approx) for both eyes but as I said, I didn;t have enough time and my lack of research prevented me going ahead with it. Can you keep me posted on how you get on with the treatment you've alreay received and the treatment on the other eye aswell.

BTW, is there different types of c3-R treatment i.e. CXl epi on/off. What does this mean?

Lars, thank you for your reply aswell. If you've had the treatment 2 years ago and you have found no major side effects, it gives me a bit more confidence in maybe going through with this. Any website links, info you can give me would be most helpful. Did you have this treatment done in the UK?

Cheers - Gurdev

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Re: C3-R for KC

Postby GarethB » Mon 19 Apr 2010 7:26 am

Basically in Europe it is accepted that removing the epithelium (outer layer of the cornea) gives the best results. In America due to different regulations, removing the epithelium means that cro9ss linking would be an invasive operation. By doing cross linking with the epithelium on means it is non-invasive and doesn't have to meet certain regulations. Sorry to be so vague, don't know much about the American medical regulations. I do know that the cross linking in America is performed in conjunction with other corneal procedures so it is hard to say if it is a single treatment or copmbination is giving the results they achieve.

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Re: C3-R for KC

Postby electricheadx » Mon 19 Apr 2010 11:04 am

Hi Gurdev

I'd be more than happy top let you know how thing go with my treatment.
GarethB pretty much summed up the difference with Epi On/Off.

The general school of thinking behind taking the Epithelium off is so that the Riboflavin get better penetration into the cornea, giving better results.
When i had mine done the surgeon peeled back the Epi so he could have the option of laying it back over when the procedure was finished. The cornea would heal a bit quicker and be less uncomfortable. Unfortunately he said that it did look good enough to leave in place at the end of the procedure so off it came.

had a visit with my Optom today to check up on the lens in the left eye, and it looks to be a bit tight. She is going to send another lens on to me this week to try out. Hopefully the comfort levels wont differ to much.

GarethB, I had a chat with her about the Kerasoft lens today also.
Currently she on has Kerasoft3 for fitting, but will be attending a conference soon to get info on the new Kerasoft IC. So hopefully in a few months i will be able to give this lens a try.

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Re: C3-R for KC

Postby touches » Fri 15 Oct 2010 4:42 am

Hello all I am from India,i am a student and i am 22yrs old. I have been diagnosed with KC in both the eyes for the past 4 yrs. Recently during my regular eye check up i have been asked to undergo TCAT plus CCL on my left eye.. I want some information and help regarding this and i hope this forum would kindly help me with my worried doubts which i may put forth here...
As i am a student, i have asked for a week off as the doctors said i should be fit in about 3-4 days... But as i researched i found out that there is corneal haze after this treatment is done.. So is this haze persistent??? Secondly since i am currently in college i have lots to study so would it be possible to read, or use the computer??

How long would it take before i get a normal vision on my left eye?( an approx time period would suffice .. as it differs from eye to eye)

And lastly would there be much pain during and after the procedure????

I humble request this forum to help with my queries as i have tried in different forums but in vain. Hoping for an informative reply

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Re: C3-R for KC

Postby touches » Tue 19 Oct 2010 4:02 am

I am surprised that there is no reply yet.... I think i better start a new thread..

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