Cataracts or Graft you decide ???

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Mike Arnold
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Cataracts or Graft you decide ???

Postby Mike Arnold » Fri 18 Dec 2009 12:31 pm

Hi Im Mike
I have been wondering were to start with this post couldnt decide so I write bullet points hope you get the jist.

Had KC for 6 years from 19 to now (25) cant wear a lens in left eye and havent for a year due to discomfort i have a steep cornea which the lens rubs. I wear a lens in the right eye which is all i use for my vision which has stopped me driving etc (my vision is pretty poor at the moment so excuse any mistakes :).
Was going to Moorfields for lenses the last 2 years but as i they couldnt fit a left lens for the last year and a half I have fallen out with them. Went to Deacon Harle for advice and he was excelent went back too Moorfields who tried to fit me another which didnt fit made a complaint saw the consultant and he has arrange graft surgury for me at moorfields (15th Feb 2010) I saw him for 5 mins at Moorfields (after another 3 hour lens fitting getting nowhere grrrrrr) he didnt tell me what how who just a date for op.
Went back to Deacon Harle who got me an appointment with DR Bell a private Eye surgen (sorry I dont know the correct name.opthamologist) At John Bell consultancy (which cost 650£ for 45 min) but was very extensive better than anything I have been to befor (I felt like I was at NASA) Had around 6 machines which measured various different parts of my eyes. John Bell has told me that the Moorfields consultant is right but would do the cataracts I have first then the graft in the left eye in a few years time.
Bit worried I have only meet the consultant for 5 mins and hes is going to chop my eye up and staple another one on :) without any info on the process for me, is this normal ?? I dont even know how long it takes can I get the train home etc.(I have a pre op app on 19 Jan 2010 so can find out more then I hope)
I thought it would be best to do both cataracts and Graft at the same time but im an idiot so that might be a stupid idea
So if that makes sense to anyone let me know your thoughts. The time in my life i would like to be able to drive etc so i have more options for work as at the moment I work online for 5 hours a day which is not a career.

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Anne Klepacz
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Re: Cataracts or Graft you decide ???

Postby Anne Klepacz » Fri 18 Dec 2009 2:42 pm

Hi Mike
Well, at the end of the day, it's your eyes and only you can decide! But it's not easy when you're getting different advice from different specialists. And you're in an unusual situation having developed cataracts so young - I don't know if we have any other members with that experience. You obviously will have a chance to ask many more questions at your pre op appt. It might be an idea to make a list of everything you want to know, to make sure they are all answered. Did I send you the 2005 conference DVD when you joined a few weeks ago? That has a very good talk on corneal surgery from another Moorfields consultant which you might find helpful, so do let me know if you haven't had it, and I'll put one in the post to you.
Another thought - have Moorfields ever suggested or tried scleral lenses for you? Those are the large lenses which cover the whole of the eye and don't touch the cornea, so can be very good for steep cones. (Or is that what you tried unsuccessfully last time?)
For any surgery, we have to sign a consent form and it's important to have all the facts before doing that. And to feel happy with the decision - so don't let yourself be rushed into something you're not ready for. I hope you do get all your questions answered in January. All the best, whatever you decide.

Forum Stalwart
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Re: Cataracts or Graft you decide ???

Postby Loopy-Lou » Fri 18 Dec 2009 4:52 pm

You need to ask questions before the pre-op assessment as that's nurse-led not consultant led. Email the consultant's secretary with a list of question for him

Mike Arnold
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Re: Cataracts or Graft you decide ???

Postby Mike Arnold » Sat 19 Dec 2009 1:05 am

I have a list with 4 main points on it I have arranged a phone meeting The consultant at Moorfields but he is understandably very busy I think i know what I am going to do but I like to take all the info on board I need as much research as posibble so I can change my mind if needed.
Also we did try squleral lens (sorry for spelling) fit better no vision, 2nd line on chart. We also looked at piggy back lens with MR Harle but it wasnt a solution.

Mike Arnold
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Re: Cataracts or Graft you decide ???

Postby Mike Arnold » Sat 19 Dec 2009 1:06 am

oh I have the dvd I will watch thank you

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Anne Klepacz
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Re: Cataracts or Graft you decide ???

Postby Anne Klepacz » Sat 19 Dec 2009 10:50 am

Thanks for putting me right, Lou. When I had my grafts over 20 years ago there was no such thing as a formal pre op assessment until the day of the operation! When the registrar offered me a graft a few months before the date, I was so grateful that something was going to be done that I didn't think to ask any questions (wasn't helped by the fact that I didn't have my lenses in, so there was just a blur where his face should have been!) Everything was explained to me very fully by the wonderful consultant (now retired) who was doing the operation a few hours before I went down to theatre - better late than never! So there has been progress in how things are done nowadays. And hopefully reading about other people's experiences on this forum gives us a better idea of the questions we ought to be asking. The trouble is that being given an operation date leaves many of us speechless with shock!

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Lynn White
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Re: Cataracts or Graft you decide ???

Postby Lynn White » Sat 19 Dec 2009 4:59 pm


Speaking as a professional, your description of events is a little difficult to unravel as you are working from knowing very little about your eyes. As Anne says, cataracts are unusual for one so young - unless they are congenital or you have extensive steroid treatment. Sorting out the cataracts may in fact not do much for your vision if you cannot wear contact lenses, as the keratoconus will still be there. Grafting also will not restore vision immediately and it can be many months or over a year before you get good vision back again.

You said Deacon Harle was excellent - did he explain more about your eyes? To be honest, no-one here - even us professionals - can give any sensible advise as we cannot examine your eyes. In your shoes, I would go back to Deacon Harle, (as he is likely to have a report from Mr Bell) and get him to explain these options to you and also, of course, ask for information from the Moorfields' surgeon's secretary.

Lynn White MSc FCOptom
Optometrist Contact Lens Fitter
Clinical Director, UltraVision


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