A Diary of my Graft

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Postby martwoman » Fri 13 Jul 2007 9:43 am

sorry to here things didn't go according to plan at the start but glad things are on the up for you know and hope things continue to go well for you. Please keep us posted.

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Postby comedyjester » Sun 15 Jul 2007 12:51 pm

Thankyou all for your support and here's update on my graft for yesterday and today.

Day 4:

After the events of the last few days I was determined not to let my confidence be knocked. I have therefore spent most of today setting myself small challenges and have found it an excellent and very encouraging way forward.

I have managed to open up my eye more and have begun to test the vision albeit briefly and have also spent lesss time listening to the "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" ready by Stephen Fry and have instead watched a stupid Adam Sandler film. Tomorrow I will be stopping the pressure drops and pressure tablets which will be a good weight of my mind.

Day 5

Today i feel even stronger and more confident than yesteray. I am aware that the next week I will be home alone so I have been practicing with the drops (currently three two an hour and one drop four times a day) and have so far been accurate with every drop. Dressed and showere I received visitors gladly and enjoyed a good chat and a giggle without any of previous lethargy. After this posting I am going to go for a quick walk and then back for lunch.

I have some key advice that I would like to add. I realise that everyone is different but this is what has helped me so far and made me positive the last two days.

1. As it says on the "Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy" Dont Panic. - A graft is a big operation and it will knock you sideways but your body and brain is amazing and just needs a few days to recover and soon you will feel a lot more positive. My experience with the incorrect medication is rare and will not be an experience other people will have.
2. Set yourself small achievable goals. - Set small goals to achieve and you will feel great. e.g. I will watch v for half an hour, rest for 2 hours and watch some more. I think you will find your own goals to help you.
3. Write everything down. Everything. I have been blessed with the most organised of girlfriends. She has written a little chart of all my drops and all my pills and when I need to take them and when I should stop taking them. She also compiles a huge list of questions to ask whenever we go to the doctors and ensures that If i havent answered them then she will.
It is essential to be organised especially if you dont have a lot of support.

Anyway my next challenge is to go for a quick walk without thepatch and hope my sunglasses protect my eye ok.

Thanks for all your support

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Postby donna » Sun 15 Jul 2007 4:11 pm

Glad to hear things are going well for you, I was wondering how you were!
Good luck :D

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Postby Anne B » Sun 15 Jul 2007 4:59 pm

Glad things are improving for you, give it another week and you will be feeling great.Putting eyedrops in gets easier as well and you don't have to do them so often after while :D
Keep up the good work


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Postby GarethB » Mon 16 Jul 2007 7:51 am

Good to hear things are on the up and some good advice in your last post too.

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Re: A Diary of my Graft

Postby Hari Navarro » Sun 05 Aug 2007 9:40 am

Hi there Comedy jester,
Just checking in to see how you are progressing... havnt heard from you in a while. Hope all is well :)


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