driving form D1 Health

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driving form D1 Health

Postby Riz » Tue 01 May 2007 10:56 pm

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all well. I am a new member and was given the info for this site at the hospital.

I recently passed my practical driving test and was about to complete form D1 when I realised that I may need to inform DVLA about my keratoconus.

I am concrned and would appreciate it if anyone can help. I have read some of the posts about driving and keratoconus, but I don't think they answer my question fully, therefore I am posting this question.

Section 5 of form D1 asks regarding health, and includes a question about a condition affecting both eyes. This does not apply to me as I have keratoconus in one eye only. However the form further asks 'do you suffer from any condition affecting your visual field.' I am not sure whether i should include the keratoconus, as i could read the number plate before the test. Can someone help please.


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Postby jayuk » Tue 01 May 2007 11:20 pm



My best advice to you, is to declare it! I am assuming you can see to the standard thats required due to the post you made.

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Postby John Smith » Tue 01 May 2007 11:57 pm

Hi Riz,

Techincally, it sounds as though there is no need to declare it to the DVLA, but it won't hurt - especially as you've just proved to them that your vision is fine by passing the test.

Now when it comes to insurance, I'd certainly declare it.

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Postby Eddie S » Wed 02 May 2007 5:59 am

Hi Riz,

welcome to the site!

I know exactly where you are at the moment - I recently moved and when I changed my address on my driving licence I had to answer the same question and was faced with the same do I/dont I dillema.

Admittedly I have KC in both eyes but with contact lenses I can see fine.

I actually phoned the DVLA for advice and they said they had KC down on their "list of known problems" and they didnt see any problem in me renewing my licence.

After ticking the box I was sent another form where I had to declare that I could see a driving licence licence plate :) at a certain distance (with my lenses) and provide details of my KC specialist so the DVLA could check with them if need-be (I dont think they always do).

I received my licence back a few weeks later with some relief!

I also took this chance to inform my insurance company and they were fine. They took the view that if the DVLA were happy, they were happy.

At the end of the day I think I wanted to know that the DVLA were happy for me to drive. After moving up here I drive less but when I do drive I drive long distances.

I have a friend who can only see through one eye following a bungled squint operation and he is accepted to drive by the DVLA.

So my advice would be to phone them if concerned but more than not tick the box. If you're happy with your eyesight then I dont think you have to worry about any question they will ask and its better than the lingering should I/shouldn't I you'll be left with if you dont tick it.

Hope this helps and good luck with the driving - seeing is the easy bit, its reacting to what you see thats hard!

Last edited by Eddie S on Wed 02 May 2007 7:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
Somebody complimented me on my driving yesterday - they left a note on my windscreen "Parking Fine" which was nice.
KC managed with softperm lens in left eye, Intacs (2/11/07) in right eye

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Postby lou » Wed 02 May 2007 7:12 am

Hi Riz

My advice would be to tell them as i came across this problem about 2yrs ago some kind person decided to dob me in to the DVLA and the benefits agency as they didnt know ANYTHING about my condition and they thought i was scaming the system. I dont tend to tell anyone about my condition because....

1. it can be hard for people to understand that without lenses im registered blind.

2. i dont like people feeling sorry for me.

3. its none of their bloody business.

Everything was sorted out as i wasnt doing anything wrong but the DVLA did inform me that if since i passed my test 12yrs ago i had started to wear glasses or lenses to aid my driving they should have been informed right away and the same for my insurance.

Reason for this is if i was to have an accident and my records checked (dvla,insurance and medical notes) and i hadnt informed dvla/insurance it would all be VOID.

I would tell them so you know that your doing nothing wrong.

take care


Emma xxx

p.s i went through all that and im not driving now :lol:

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Postby GarethB » Wed 02 May 2007 7:34 am


The form also aske for details of your consultant/optoetrist which the DVLA will contact if they have any doubts.

As you say you passed the theory which I think now with hazard perception tests where you need to show you can read a number plate and it is one eye so playing it safe there is no reason why you will not keep your licence.

I have had this for 20 years and without lenses I am legally blind and the DVLA are happy for me to drive as long as I am wearing lenses.

When I was having problems with one eye I easily passed the Advanced Driving Test while blind in one eye.

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Postby Andrew MacLean » Wed 02 May 2007 9:04 am


If you have only one eye with KC you probably do not need to declare this; it is however possible that you will develop KC in th second eye so it would do no harm to make the report. My motto is that even if you tell the DVLA things tht they do not need to know, they cannot complain that you failed to disclose something that they did need to know.

As to field of vision; this is something for which you can be tested, but my KC has never really limited field of vision (in the way that tunnel vision might).

Anyhow, I am really impressed that your hospital gave you the URL for this site. Way to go NHS! It is always good to welcome a new member to the forum, and we all look forward to your questions and contributions over the coming time.

Never despair!

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Postby mike scott » Wed 02 May 2007 8:44 pm

hi riz

welcome to the forum

i have just had to fill in the said form to replace my licence which i cant find, though i know its in the house somewhere :roll:

if i remember correctly i think the question is phrased............do you have a condition in your eyes that affects your ability to drive?........well if it doesnt affect your ability to drive then surely you dont need to declare it.

many people suffer from other eye conditions other than KC ....such as short sightedness and lond sightedness etc for which they wear glasses without thinking about it, and thats considered perfectly ok.

i think the question refers to ability to drive with corrected vision

hope this helps

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Postby Riz » Wed 02 May 2007 11:23 pm

Thank you all very much for your help. I will probably ring DVLA today, and explain my situation.

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Postby Matthew_ » Thu 03 May 2007 9:42 am

Its a good decision. I called the DVLA and sorted it out on the phone. They just recorded that I have KC but there were no restrictions placed. My va without lenses is way below that necessary to drive but because the lenses bring me up to standard it wasn't a problem. Obviously, you need to know your KC well enough to judge when it is safe to drive.

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