irregular vessel growth

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irregular vessel growth

Postby morag » Wed 27 Dec 2006 12:06 pm

can anyone help me please
I had a graft 26 years ago (Im one of the old timers!!) I still have the original graft,I was one of the patients at Moorfields filmed to help sudents I was under Mr Rubens
One problem I have is irregular vessel growth on the graft.the vessels did penetrated through the graft and very active causing really bad pain in my eye. We did help the problem by using steroid drops I did this for about 2 years and I then decided Id had enough and wanted to ween off them as I was worried about all the side effects
I have been coping Ok until recently when I noticed the pain has come back Its like somepne putting a needel/pin into the junction of the graft it can feel like hell it makes you want to just take the eye out, pain all over the side of you head I am cuurntly a paitent at Liverpool as London became just too far my local hospital is terrible so I was just wondering if anyone else out there suufers the same??
Thanks for listening sorry for the spelling mistakes

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Postby jayuk » Wed 27 Dec 2006 12:58 pm


Sorry to hear of the recurring problem

I think this problem needs a Optham as now they are doing all sorts of new things to curb Vessel Growth.

Aside from the hospital which you attend, are there any others? Manchester Eye Hospital may be an idea as I know thats not far?.....

Sorry couldnt help you any more!

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Postby morag » Wed 27 Dec 2006 1:28 pm

thanks J for your reply
this is a problem that we think has been caused due to the wearing of lenses(of all sorts- I have tried them all I have been a guniepig for so many!!!)
What I have noticed along the years is that a week before my periods are due it flares up and only just recently I have managed to convince my specualist that there is a connection with hormones as with regards to fulid retention etc but it doesnt help my situation the only other thing left they could offer were anti depressants as they relax the nerves ( not that I need anti depressants)of the eye but I would not take them have had enough drugs of all kinds in the past and have learnt that that just hides the real problem
This all sounds so negative but Im Ok we all have things to deal with Ann has been brilliant throughout the years and I have only just got brave enough to try this forum out
Its brilliant and great to be able to talk to someome else who understands I have so much to talk to someone about I just dont want to overload anyone it hurts to talk ,you understand?
I wish I knew how to spell check this thing!!!!
Thank you so much again for your reply
Regards from Anglesey
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Postby jayuk » Wed 27 Dec 2006 2:36 pm


Have you told the Opthams of this? ie the hormonal issue?...if so, what was there response?

On a slight tangent here, can I ask what your vision has been with your grafted eye?....Both, with lenses and without?....Im intrigued to know the differences in the procedure back then and now and also the results and outcomes.......

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Postby morag » Wed 27 Dec 2006 3:02 pm

Thanks for that
Yes everyone who I see about my eyes all are aware of the hormone thing
I have repeatedly told them over the years and finally they see a connection
My sight after graft was not really any better I have Kera the right eye too but will not allow grafting until I cannot see any longer
With glasses my sight is very poor - just about able to see the TV but no tex with lenses I can still drive!!!
It has been really hard over the year but we learn to live with it
I saw a Dr Dart in Moorefield’s before I transferred to Liverpool he was great and gave me hope (Rubens told me that I would be blind by the age of 21 I am now 44yrs)
I see a Mr Battersbury at Liverpool and he’s brilliant but my own optician n has been brilliant he really does try to understand and is always helping me out I couldn’t have done it without him
I now attend a pain clinic at my local hospital I have reverted back to holistic methods to deal with the pain I have also looked into tissue transplant and what comes with it (I know this sounds strange but I need to research every angle Have you had a graft? and how long ago? did they explain what the future would be and the side effects?
Thanks for the reply

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Postby jayuk » Wed 27 Dec 2006 3:18 pm


You threw me there you said

just about able to see the TV but no tex with lenses I can still drive!!!

If you can just about see the TV yet you drive; Im kinda confused as to what the vision in your eyes are?...DO you wear lenses or glasses now?....
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Postby GarethB » Wed 27 Dec 2006 3:40 pm

Hi Delyth,

My frafts are nearly 20 years old, not had vessel growth, but I do know of cases where they have been treated with laser to basicaly close and 'remove' the vessel.

Where lens wear causes this, it is often put down to either over wearing lenses or having an ill fitting lens. Both of which stimulate the bodys defenses to rectify the problem which in our case is vessel growth.

The silicone hydrogel lenses for KC are not that common but do offer comfort due to less irritation and excellent oxygen transfer to the cornea. My understanding these are only available through private practitioners that specialise in KC.

Hope this helps.



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Postby morag » Wed 27 Dec 2006 4:34 pm

I wear lenses in both eyes(So I can drive and go to work and get through the day) but I have to take them out and put on the goldfish bowls to watch TV and cant read the tex on tv when there`s translation
Thank you all for youe kindness it really does help
Been to the doc and decided to get some Steroid just for acouple of days untillI can get checked out properly
Thanks again

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Postby jayuk » Wed 27 Dec 2006 5:33 pm


Let us know how it Im interested in what options they give you here......

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Postby morag » Wed 27 Dec 2006 6:11 pm

The only options are:
Stop wearing contact lenses
Take steroid drops for the end of time
De-stress yourself
The last time the vessels were checked the were empty and dormant as I had changed my lens to a different kind and had managed to wean myself off the drops, but it looks like the vessels have become active again as I recognise the pain and symptoms
They aren’t sure if this is also a possible starter of the graft on its final run and time for a new one??
So when I get to now anything I will let you know
Thank you again

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