Intac Removal

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Mark Baker
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Intac Removal

Postby Mark Baker » Tue 26 Mar 2013 2:21 pm

Hi Everyone

Has been some time since I last posted ( 2007 ).

In summary I had corneal graft surgery in 1999 ( left eye ) and vision is still excellent with small correction from glasses. It was a long road which included cataract replacement , laser correction and finally detached retina , which, thanks to Moorfields had a great outcome.

After the Keratoconus progressed in the right eye, I had Intacs inserted, rather than go through the graft scenario. ( 2007 ) This seemed to work, but now the right eye is now very poor and even with glasses I cant see the top line on the Snellen chart. Went back to where I had the procedure , under their lifetime care package, and they seemed at a loss as to how to proceed. They suggested that I get a referral from my GP to my local hospital . This took place last month and the Consultant has suggested the following. Remove the intac to see if there is any damage and then after a couple of months he will do a graft and cataract at the same time.

I would be interested to see if anybody else has had a similar procedure and if so was the removal a straightforward procedure and did you have to have much time off work for recovery.

Would appreciate any comments



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Re: Intac Removal

Postby Andrew MacLean » Tue 26 Mar 2013 4:27 pm


Welcome back

I haven't had the procedure you are asking about, but I am pretty sure that there will be someone along in a moment who has.
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Re: Intac Removal

Postby Mousework » Sat 30 Mar 2013 7:52 pm

mark this is very interesting thread you made, because the doctor had suggested intacts for me last August, but i have learned the sight in the eye , where they had plan the intacs is worse,

what kind of damage do they expect ? The doctor mentioned to be me, that there are different levels of the intacts. so in the future they could be replaced by stronger ones

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Mark Baker
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Re: Intac Removal

Postby Mark Baker » Sun 31 Mar 2013 5:08 pm

Hi Mousework

Thanks for your post.

The consultant seemed to be concerned that there may have been some sort of fibroid growth around the intac which may make it more difficult to remove. I am due to go for pre op screening on Tuesday 2nd April and hopefully the op will be within the next couple of weeks.

I will keep the thread updated with progress.



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Re: Intac Removal

Postby Ladyburd » Tue 02 Apr 2013 3:03 pm

Hi guys

Long time since my last post. I had my INTACT put in by Dr Ramesh in Glasgow 3 or 4 years ago. It didn't improve my vision but it did reduce the coning so that I could actually wear a lens - previously they just fell out

I've just had an annual check up and all was OK, but since the INTACT I get a crazy pain in the sclera at the outer edge of my eye, behind the lid. The only thing that takes it away is sleep. But at the check up everything was as good as it could be

I've been in touch with a few people that had INTACS but haven't heard of anyone getting it removed. I guess it depends on each person. But if you do get it removed, a diet rich in protein, vitamin A, C & D, and zinc will speed up the recovery

Hope it works out OK for you

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Re: Intac Removal

Postby Ladyburd » Wed 03 Apr 2013 11:42 pm

Hi guys

You can get a full ring or half ring, mine is just half as my cornea was too thin at the top to take a full ring. Basically would need a certain thickness before they will "risk" an INTACS

Did your consultant say what had caused the growth?

I can only give you my experience, and to be honest it was a walk in park compared to tooth ache! :)


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