what makes ur KC progress?

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what makes ur KC progress?

Postby leili » Thu 18 Mar 2010 11:44 pm

HI guys, I am 28 and have had KC for 1.5 years. I have mild right eye and moderate left eye KC. My vision is pretty well with glasses (6/6 in right and 6/5 in left). I have a question. What do you think makes ur KC progress? we all know about eye rubbing and allergies. but what else? working with computer?reading books?watching tv?any speacial food or habits? for example I always think my KC progressed when i kept plaing games on my cellphone for long hours.

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Andrew MacLean
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Re: what makes ur KC progress?

Postby Andrew MacLean » Fri 19 Mar 2010 10:41 am


Welcome to the forum. You raise some interesting questions, but I am afraid that there are no definitive answers!

My own KC remained more-or-less stable for a very long time and then deteriorated rapidly. I have no idea why this happened as I was not aware of doing anything different in the lead up to the deterioration.

I know that researchers are always looking into these questions, and some have suggested that KC is associated with a deficiency in dietary magnesium, although this does not necessarily mean that our diet is deficient in mg (it is also possible that people with KC are less able to metabolize mg).

Every good wish, and keep asking these questions. Researchers do visit the forum, and a question raised here can easily lead to a new line of enquiry and the disclosure of a yet undiscovered truth.

Andrew MacLean

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Re: what makes ur KC progress?

Postby leili » Fri 19 Mar 2010 8:24 pm

Thanks Andrew; I think I have a slight feeling of guilt in my subconcious, I study too much,have worked with computer for long hours and sometimes I think maybe I have done harm to my cornea by this. Getting a chance to talk with people who have the same problem is a relief for me.

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Re: what makes ur KC progress?

Postby Andrew MacLean » Sat 20 Mar 2010 8:18 am

I think that ordinary advice for vdu use applies well to people with KC. Take regular breaks, make sure you blink and keep yourself well hydrated. I also keep artificial tears in my fridge so that when I feel like rubbing my eyes I can soak them instead.

Andrew MacLean

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Re: what makes ur KC progress?

Postby Fordy » Sat 20 Mar 2010 8:45 pm


There are some of us who believe that the wearing of contact lenses can speed up the progression of KC, especially when they are RGP's.

My KC seemed to progress after wearing them, but I know this is a subject that can cause great debate with many different views on the subject.

Best of luck,


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Re: what makes ur KC progress?

Postby leili » Sat 20 Mar 2010 9:04 pm


In fact my ophthalmologist believes so, he always says we should stay on spectacles as long as we could. as there is some concerns about contact lenses accelerating the progression of KC and even poor fit contact lenses are a known cause of KC, but when one can not get an acceptable vision on spectacles there is no other choice except for moving to contact lenses.


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Re: what makes ur KC progress?

Postby Fordy » Sat 20 Mar 2010 9:30 pm


All I would say is leave it as long as you can because there is no going back.
I wish I had been explained the risks of contacts as it seems you have been.
Good luck with what ever you decide.



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