Contact lens wear after CXL

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Contact lens wear after CXL

Postby Johnni81 » Mon 26 Dec 2022 12:57 pm


I had cross linking done in one eye 7 weeks ago. I had my follow up 1 week appointment after the procedure and was told to hold off wearing my lens (RGP) until I see the consultant in a further 6 weeks. I had my appointment with the consultant last week and said was all OK and can wear my lens.

Was keen to know what's the usual time period to go back wearing contact lenses after having cross linking done?

I ask because on the 4th day wearing them I felt a bit of discomfort. It may be my food allergy playing makes my eye sore. I've a dull pain in my eye and somewhat sensitive to bright light for second or two. Feels different the light sensitivity pain I had straight after CXL though as hurts around the eye too/forehead. It may be something else but worried that I've started wearing the RGP too prematurely?

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Anne Klepacz
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Re: Contact lens wear after CXL

Postby Anne Klepacz » Mon 26 Dec 2022 2:57 pm

Hi Johnii,
All the hospital information leaflets about CXL say it's OK to resume lens wear 2-6 weeks after the procedure. The Moorfields leaflet says this -
"If you wear soft contact lenses, these should not be worn until you have finished the FML drops (i.e. after four weeks). If you wear hard lenses (rigid gas permeable, RGP), you may re-insert these from the second week onwards so long as the eye has sufficiently healed. We will be able to advise you of this at your first follow up appointment one week after the procedure. You may need to gradually build up the wear time again-for example for a few hours initially, using lots of lubricants at the same time."
Some people do find 'dry eye' is worse after CXL, which might account for the pain. But if you're worried, do ring the clinic where you had it done to get a professional opinion.

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Re: Contact lens wear after CXL

Postby drink » Mon 09 Jan 2023 12:03 am

I would recommend being patient, and build up wear time. From couple if hours each day, then slowly increase by an extra hour after couple of days. I find The eye lids get very sensitive if not worn RGP lenses for a while.

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