updatey thing

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updatey thing

Postby space_cadet » Mon 27 Mar 2017 2:39 pm

It has been a while since I last posted so thought id do a update:

both eyes had a op as good as a year ago to seal my tear ducts in the hope of producing their own tears, something theyv been unable to do for over a decade now, I saw my consultant on friday and he said they are finally showing signs of some tear film but not as much as he hoped so has rx some drops to help

my graft is looking fairly ok for once, just major issues due to scars from past infections n the burst ulcer xmas 2015 etc and for once no blood vessels growing over the graft so it is "clear" in that regard

my left eye is screwed, but that we knew, it is now a case of keeping it tolerable due to how unstable the cornea is and a graft not a option to keep it lubricated n free from infection, altho it is fighting off small cornea abrasions once again which will sar n distort futher.

he has finally realised that offering me a graft isnt a option for that eye n I am adapted to being blind in a sighted world.

other issues non related to KC as such have occured with my eyes so wont bore you with all of that,

Lea x
May09 Diagnosed with KC, March 2010 after a failed transplant it has left me legally blind a long cane user (since 2010) who is blind in a once sighted world

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Re: updatey thing

Postby Loopy-Lou » Thu 30 Mar 2017 8:54 pm

Hey Lea, good to hear from you, you've been through so much, I admire how you've coped, you're right it is a sighted world.

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Re: updatey thing

Postby space_cadet » Fri 31 Mar 2017 6:43 am

it has been far from easy Lou, but am a stuborn soul and just try keep my beep in order so that my small person doesn't see how beep this world is at times for many of us. x
May09 Diagnosed with KC, March 2010 after a failed transplant it has left me legally blind a long cane user (since 2010) who is blind in a once sighted world

Forum Stalwart
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Re: updatey thing

Postby Loopy-Lou » Sat 01 Apr 2017 1:41 pm

It's not easy at all, there's little support in many ways, and even when there is more, it's still a very hard deck of cards to come to terms with x

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