Cornea Graft

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Anne Klepacz
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Re: Cornea Graft

Postby Anne Klepacz » Wed 08 Dec 2010 6:05 pm

Hi Janice and welcome to the forum!
It would be very unusual to be off work for as long as 12 months. It's normally anything from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the type of work people do. Though the vision can carry on changing after a graft for 12 months or more. How does your grafted eye feel now? Wishing you all the best

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Andrew MacLean
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Re: Cornea Graft

Postby Andrew MacLean » Wed 08 Dec 2010 6:18 pm


Welcome to the forum. That sounds like the sort of news you did not want to hear, but with patience and care you will get through this recovery and return to work.

Every good wish

Andrew MacLean

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rosemary johnson
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Re: Cornea Graft

Postby rosemary johnson » Mon 20 Dec 2010 10:54 pm

Going back to work:
depends as others have said on the work and how wwell yu get on.
Also on whether you have a local or general anaestheitc.
If you are working indoor sin a clean environment, not doing heavy lifting/psushing/pulling, nd ahave a local, no reasin you shouldn;t be back in the office 2 days post graft.
If you have to have a general, leave time to get over that - I was advised 2 weeks, went back to the office 13 days post graft (with proviso to boss couldn;t lift boxes about) and felt so faint and dizzy and breathless I ended i A&E.
Nothing -t o do with the eye per se I had a very bad reaction to the drugs they used in the anaesthetic. Never never will I let anyone give me a GA ever again,m even if they tell me I;ll die if they don;t.

Light sensitivity:
There are various reasons for this. One is just soreness post surgery - or any other eye treatment, for that matter. It should wear off as the eye heals.
Another is general not-being too well...
Onemuch-cited reason is the KC itself scattering the light irregularly round the eyeball., I don;t know if any way this would "gradually" get worse after a graft....
The other ereason is that you can just develop a hypersensitivity reaction. That is, the brain, or possibly something int he optic nerve, just overreact to bright light.
It isn;t related tot he KC directly - though there is a tendency for people who develop hyersensitivy reactions to light to have another eye conditon already.
If it is getting worse after a graft not better, I'd be tempted to wonder if it is this, and ask for a referral to someone called a neuro-ophthalmologist to get it checked out (they have them at Moorfields and at "Queen Square" in London, I don't know where else.
IIf you have always found - or now find - that you eye(s) is/are more light sensitive with glasses/lenses than without - as if getting the vision sharper is also sharpening th epain - this sounds likely.
Could a graft set it off? - I'm not a medic, but maybe....
In my case, this is what is making me so light sensitive - and have long been more so with contacts.
Went to see a medic about it, who prescrbed a graft, apparently ithout making any effort to find what I;d come about and been talking to his assistant about.
Graft made the light sensitiviy worse. Grafted eye npw as light sensitive "naked" as other one is with lens in (and it doesn't tolerate lens any more).
In my case, level been about the same since a few days after the graft, not changed anymore. AM investigated heavily black-tinted contact lens, to use in combination with dark sunglasses, but putting a lens in at all make the sensitivity worse, so not sure if this will work out,
Good luck with it.
Apologies for typing - have a hand in plaster after got kicked by a horse and broke 5th metacarpal.

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